Breaking Down Part Two

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-A Day Later-

Anon's body is covered head to knees in bandages from cuts and lacerations and stuck with oxygen keeping his breathing stable. Bones in his arms, hands and legs riddled with painful fractures and breaks. His body is pale and weak, if he were conscious, every move made would be agony.

Kasumi doesn't take her eye from him for one second. Her mind slowly giving way to the horrid thoughts as she looks on. The room door opens and Kasumi on instinct throws her blade at the head of the unwelcome guest, the blade is caught inches from the targets face. The younger man takes it in hand as he speaks.

"Hello Kasumi, after I heard the news I came as fast as I could

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"Hello Kasumi, after I heard the news I came as fast as I could."

Kasumi doesn't respond but simply reaches out her hand at her brother. He gives a light smile reaching out his, only for her to coldly push his hand away. He is thrown off for a moment at the action as she takes her weapon back and sheathing it to her waist, Kasumi turns away from Hayate sitting back down and continues her blank gazing upon Anon's body. Hayate takes a breath.

"Sister, I'm sorry that this has happened to Anon."


"The work he's done with you makes him Braver than most."




Kasumi looks down at her hands, still feeling the blood upon them. She closes her eyes trying to calm herself.

"He was barely competition, for hours she tormented them both. I told him so many times if that he needs to release our secrets, so that he could be released from harm as little as possible, Do It."

Hayate pauses at her statement, but Kasumi continues.

"He saved me from near death, comforted me in his home, and finally instead of giving away my secrets against them, He took on torment he knew that he never could bare."

Kasumi bites her lip and her hands ball into tight fists. Her body shakes with anger and frustration. She lets out a sharp exhale trying to regain her sense of reason but can only feel more and more of her repressed aggressive feelings toward her own life and others. She turns to Hayate as her eyes go red with tears.

"And where were you? huh, Big Brother?"

Her breathing hastens as she stands up, facing her brother. He stands there understanding her grief and letting her vent.

"I defended our village, our homes honor, and now I can barely remember it in its full beauty. I fight on behalf of our Home, he fought for me, Us and you...."

Her body glows with dark blue Ki surrounding her body, Hayate stands before Kasumi calm as he is ever as his sister stares with frustration.

"Kasumi, what happened to Anon was not your fault. I know you care for him, but he made a choice to protect you."

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