The Burning Heart

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Dead Or Alive, one of the Biggest fighting Tournaments in the world, anyone who's a Fighter knows what this tournament is about and Joins to show off their skills and get paid Greatly for it by the End. What they didn't know is that it was all just a façade for something a bit more, Unrulily, but one storyline an a Few Explosions later, and you have D.O.A Tech, and a bit more of a Honest Tournament.

Honaka jumps in joy at the mere sight of the Arena, along with Ceejay and Marie Rose enjoying themselves also. You'd never see those like me at events like this normally, but I was glad they where having a good time. The Lights, Music, Food, and the Fighters is all one can focus on with this type of energy around, It's contagious really. Honoka looks over at me with her excited smile on her face, and I smile back. The music suddenly stops and another beat comes on, and the crowd becomes enlivened by as the lights turn.

A woman comes out and onto the stage, Hyping the already cheering crowd.

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(This is a Bad Image, but here's the Link to the One I Wanted to use )

The large Titantron flashes over the Who the woman is, the Crowd chanting her name, the loud voice comes over the crowd from the Speakers, introducing the Woman.

Speakers: Ladies and Fellasmen! Weighing in at 131 pounds! Current champion of the DWA, TINA ARMSTRONG!!!

Tina Jumps into the Ring hyping up the crowd.


Fight after fight it would bring the crowds would cheer on waiting for the Next....Victim would be more like it, Tina taking on guys not even CeeJay is... one of, if not the Biggest meat for brains that I know on the Planet. I know I wouldn't most of the Time, and what ever Protein Shake Powder she's been inhaling is apparently enough to throw around 350 pound Man Tanks like old bed mattresses.

Tina grabs her last opponent, taking him over her head with a smile on her face and tossing him in the pile, making him Six. The crowds Cheer for her Victory, while some boo at Tina at her Unbroken Win Streak. She then signals to the stage control man for the Mic. She takes it in her hand with a smile on her face.

"Now it doesn't take a Science wiz to know for a Fact that we're all having a Great Time Tonight!"

The crowd answers with cheers and a few jeers. Tina looks around to the unsatisfied guest, and looks to them with a smile on her face.

"Now I also see that a few are NOT having a Great time, it seems that Mah winnin streak has gotten to a have a rather Notorious group of....Oh how do the Kids call it? Haters!"

Dead or Alive: Yandere Kasumi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now