Meeting the Dark Side

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After dropping off John at his place, Lisa, Anon, and CeeJay are left. Anon is relaxing not really paying attention to what their conversation is, but then a Question stirs keeping him up. He sits up "Hey Cee, I don't know if I asked, but since Lisa is here now...What did they do to you?" the two pause for a moment, Lisa looks away almost in shame and CeeJay takes a deep breath. "Whelp May as well open this can of worms..." Lisa looks over too the nervously smiling CeeJay. She sighs straightening herself in her seat.

"In the time that Victor Donavan, The head of M.I.S.T was in power of DoA Tec,  he managed to capture Kasumi after she won the first tournament." Anon leans forward "She never told me that..." Lisa continues "He...I was the head of the team that Copied her DNA, with the aim of creating the Perfect Warrior and Weapon." Anon tilts his head "hmm, I can see why Kasumi doesn't like you that much..."  Lisa shoots a quick glare, but relents. "I made efforts to delay any further progress on the more dangerous Projects that Donavan had in mind, but he had one more trick up his sleeve..." "Hence the kidnappings..." CeeJay chimes in "From what I took, It was a form of training program for Alphas and Subject 4." Anon looks to CeeJay at this "What are they?" "Clones... of Kasumi" Lisa says. Anon is surprised at this "And for the training to be... mOstly proper they needed Dummies." Anon looks to Lisa with slight anger "She tortured you.." Lisa looks back to Anon's eyes, but CeeJay takes a deep breath and stretches his neck "Yeeeeeah..." She looks away "I would have done everything I could to stop it if I had known... I Managed to take charge of the Project as soon as I found out, It would have never been if I knew 4 would be involved..." Anon is pressed to ask "4?" and Lisa looks to CeeJay with worry in her eyes as he goes back in his seat with a smile and looks that says.

"How am I even alive?'

CeeJay puts his hand on Anons shoulder and says "The Strongest, and Toughest Bitch that has ever hit me..." a sense of dread going over Anon "Hell at least I can hold some ground against the Alphas, I don't know what kind of Amazonian H.I.T you have her do, but she clearly had enough!" Lisa shakes her head as she smiles at the joke. "4 is exactly what Victor wants, Cold and Ruthless in combat, nothing I've ever seen..." Lisa continues "She's the closest to what Donavan wants, but she's not Heartless..." the two boys looking to Lisa "She could have Killed you many times over, but she's closer to Kasumi than Donavan thinks..." just as she is about to continue, the Car suddenly stops and the Driver rolls down the back window to the passengers. "Mam there is a problem..." "What is it Sal?" "Remember when you told me not to stop unless the Road is missing, or if there is an Emergency?" "Absolutely Sal, your point?" Sal laughs nervously. "I'll tell you what mam...The roads not missing... " She looks to the front and her eyes go wide. "Oh God... You two stay inside." Lisa exits and turns to the black cloaked figure.

"What is the meaning of this Four?" The figure un-hoods herself, Anon can't believe his eyes. "She looks just like Kasumi, just slightly bulky." CeeJay looks through the front. "And lets hope she's not here for trouble." The clone doesn't answer, but looks over Lisa shoulder, spotting CeeJay and Anon. Lisa keeps calm and grabs her attention. "Four! what is your current mission?" She looks to Lisa "Anon and Ceejay-" "Are not your concerns." she says cutting her off. "Phase Four, return to base and we can-" "You are no longer in control of project Omega." Lisa is shocked at this news. "On who's order?!" She doesn't answer again looking back to the car behind them and steps towards it, but Lisa steps in front of her. "You. Will. Answer. Me." She says with a stern vexation in her voice. "You are no longer in Control..." the clone says coldly as she stares back. Suddenly ninjas clad in red surround Lisa. She takes a Deep breath "EMERGENCY CODE: HAMILTON!" The limo shuts on its own, locking Sal, Anon and CeeJay inside as it drives itself backwards. Phase 4 disappears, but the Red Ninjas move in on Lisa. She turns to them with her anger turning to pity as she says "You really wanna fight This badly...?" 

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