Poisons from the Mist Part Two

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The morning coolness blows pass Anon as he goes for a walk. Though Kasumi finds something like this refreshing, Anon still finds it confusing how the comfort of oversleep could be comparable to the force start-up of FIVE O-CLOCK in the morning. Anon sighs in annoyance, but continues trotting on, his thoughts keeping his mind busy from the slights. "Kasumi, She should be out of town for a week or two for some training with Master Hayabusa. Like she needs to get any more Perfect, I can barely see her half the time we spar with each-other." Anon chuckles to himself.

He takes a deep breath, as he sees the peeking sun over the small town.

Anon sits on a bench taking a small break before heading home. Just as his legs where finally able to relax, an unusual noise catches his ear. He turns looking around, seeing nothing. "Hmm maybe a squirrel?" He turns back with the face of Ho- "BOO!" 

 "Hmm maybe a squirrel?" He turns back with the face of Ho- "BOO!" 

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He jumps from the surprise. "HOLY!". He stands in utter bewilderment as the salmon haired girl laughs on her butt." Anon holds his chest calming down. "Damn Honoka! It's early in the morning and the Sun is barely up yet!" Honoka jumps to her feet patting her butt of dirt. "Oh I take this path sometimes for my morning walks, I didn't know you did too." Honoka says smiling widely. "Great to know, now I know who to call when I want some company." she says with devious smirk. She quickly hugs and pecks him on his cheek, Anon's face turns red with fluster. "Honoka, aren't you supposed to be with Marie?" he asks. "Oh don't worry about her, she shouldn't be too far behind, Kasumi told me that she was going to come too." Anon is confused. "Honoka what do you mean? Kasumi is out of town right now." Anon then realizes who she was talking about. "Honoka, where did you see Kasumi last?" Anon asks nervously. "Not too far down the path." she says pointing behind her.

Suddenly Anon and Honoka are surrounded by black and cyan colored mist. "Honoka, how often do you Spar with Marie?" he asks nervously. "Hmmm I think the last time we sparred was sometime.... ehhh." Anon sighs. "We are so Screwed." The mist thickens around them and suddenly dissipates. The figure appears before Honoka and Anon. "Alright, what do you want this time you... What in-"

 What in-"

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"Hello Anon."

Anon is mesmerized at what he sees. "Oh hi Kasumi, I didn't recognize you at all for a moment, you look Amazing." Phase looks to Honoka with no reaction at first but gives a small smile to the bubbly girl. "Thank You, Honoka." Anon stands in front of her. "What do you want Phase?" She looks to Anon. "Anon, I have come to... Talk." She walks pass the two and sits on the beach overlooking the sun rise of the city. Anon is skeptical of this action, even looking around for a possible ambush. Honoka ever so oblivious sits right next to Phase, still thinking that she is Kasumi. "Come on Anon don't you talk to Kasumi all the time?" Anon looks to her dumbfounded and gives a sigh. "Alright, I'm too tired for a fight anyways." He sits on the bench, though at a distance.

Phase looks too him with a small smile and Honokas enjoyment. Anon starts to feel his heart rate rise, not really sure because of the rather lewd looks of Phase or his fighting instincts starting to kick in. Breaking the Iceberg, he starts "What's on your mind?" Phase looks to the rising sun. "I meant what I said from the first time you saw me. You and I are much alike. I have been watching you long before you met Kasumi. I know that you can Understand me better than anyone else." Anon looks to her with a nervous look on his face, but Honoka looks on with shimmer on hers. "You never told me you were a ladies man Anon." Phase twitches from her comment but continues; "I have been watching you for so long, Unable to interact with you. The day that I tried to terminate Kasumi, I thought I could finally take you with me as my reward." Honoka is confused at what she says, but Anon sits there with a disturbed scowl on his face.

"If It were anyone else, I wouldn't have cared if the target lived or died. The day that I was told that Kasumi was saved, I didn't care, I'd be punished, trained harder and sent to kill her again, but it was you that saved her. In that time, I started to feel something that I never experienced before, it gave me strength to become much stronger than ever before, Hatred. I was so disappointed that I didn't finish her when I had the chance, maybe I should have torn her apart, so that you wouldn't have had the thought of rescuing her weak and feeble body." She says with a blank expression on her face.

Anon is appalled at this statement while Honoka is silent in confusion, gaining a strange feeling she grips her watch from the stress and a small button his pressed. Phase notices their distress and regains her friendly smile and calms her voice. "I'm sorry, I don't really know how to hide these new feelings yet." Anon doesn't react "I would figure M.I.S.T doesn't teach Clones how to Lie, I think they have someone else for that..." he says sternly, Phases eye twitches ever slightly. 

"I have seen you get so much stronger just like your friends. It has made me very proud of you." She says reaching her hand out to Anons and taking it. The feeling of her hand is warm, but something just feels off to Anon about Phases charms. The subject being changed Honoka chimes in with a smile. "I'll say, your training has given him some amazing talents Kasumi!" Honoka says with a smile. "I Agree Honoka, even your friend Ceejay has also gotten stronger from the last time I met him. He was always really close to Dr. Hamilton." "Yeah, especially after you use him like a Punching Bag." Phase pauses at this statement. "He's told me about what some of these Facilities are used for." "I.... Try to hold back against the subjects. There is only so much I can do Anon." Phase replies. 

Having enough, Anon stands to his feet. "What is it that you're really here for Phase? You're not just here to try to confess to me." Honoka stands with Anon. "Why are you so Cold to Kasumi, Anon?" He looks to Phase with a stern glare. "This isn't Kasumi, Honoka." Honoka looks to the doppelganger. Phase sighs and stands to her feet, "I came to give you a way out. Today one of M.I.S.T deadliest Assassins has been released and is in the city. I want to keep you protected if her target is you." Anon scoffs "I'd rather take my chances with Honoka than with you." Phase shoots a cold glare to you, "Aw!~" Honoka says hugging Anon's arm. Phase takes a deep breath, calming herself she says sternly. "I... will do what I can to delay the Assassins, but I will leave you with a Warning. Christie, a silver haired She-Quan master, is the Deadliest of the Assassins sent here, and will kill you without hesitation. All I ask is that you keep strong Assistance at all times." Phase turns away. "Just stay safe, okay?" She says before a dark mist surrounds her and she disappears.

Anon is left without a word. Honoka breaks the silence. "Ya know, even for a Twin, She must really like you to have gave us a warning." Anon looks to her. "Maybe, but right now we need to get home." The sound of running footsteps are closing and Marie Rose arrives, taking in deep breaths she looks around. "What I miss?" Anon sighs gaining a smile along with Honoka waving at Marie.

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