Scars (cross x nightmare)

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Cross was always one to overdress, he would always have loads of layers of clothing on, he would wear a black thick turtleneck jumper with white straps connected to his trousers, a black and white hoodie, and then the hugest and fluffiest black and white coat he could find, on his arms were black gloves that went up to his shoulders, and some white fingerless gloves on top, he wore long baggy black trousers with white cross patterns going down it, and some white winter boots with black laces, the only exposed part of his body was his head.

Cross wore this outfit every single day, he even had multiple pairs of this outfit, and he would sweat profusely, the summer in particular was a season cross really hated, and the town was currently in the midst of an extreme heatwave, nightmare was sat on the sofa watching tv, occasionally looking at the waterfall of sweat running down his boyfriends face.

Newscaster: we are currently experiencing our hottest day in twelve years as the temperatures reach a scorching 35 degrees celsius, 95 degrees Fahrenheit, we urge you to stay inside until this heat cools down. More on channel seven later on.

Nightmare was equally sweaty, small clumps of his black goop was dripping down his body and onto the sofa, almost like he was melting ice cream, but unlike cross, he was shirtless and thinking about the possibility of stripping down to his underwear to try and cool down. Nightmare turned off the tv when he heard cross' breathing start to mix with wheezing.

Nightmare: babe you need to cool down, I feel like you're dying.

Cross: I'm...*huff* I'm fffffine...

Nightmare: cross why don't you just take off the coat-

Cross: NO!

Nightmare was startled by cross' sudden shouting.

Nightmare: but you've been wearing those clothes ever since I met you, you even sleep in them.

Cross: nightmare I'm fine...don't worry.

They both sat in silence, until cross spoke up again.

Cross:...hey nighty.

Nightmare: what?

Cross: why is everything...going blurry?

Cross collapsed onto the floor.

Nightmare: cross!

Nightmare kneeled down next to cross and unzipped his coat and hoodie, he tapped his cheek.

Nightmare: c'mon babe speak to me, speak to me cross!

Nightmare carried him upstairs to the bathroom and laid him out on the floor, he ran some cold water on his hands and splashed it onto cross' face.

Nightmare: I've gotta get him out of those clothes.

Nightmare began removing cross' clothes, he managed to get the coat and hoodie off, but struggled to remove the straps over his turtleneck.

Nightmare: how the fuck does this work?

Unaware to nightmare, cross woke up and realised that he was exposed, he grabbed nightmares hands and held them tightly, preventing him from moving them, cross looked at nightmare and rapidly shook his head, pleading him to not continue.

Nightmare: babe...please. I-I worry about you, every day I fear that you'll pass out from all the heat, especially today.

Cross: why do you want to take my clothes off?

Nightmare: I want to keep you safe, you're clearly not well. Why do you wear so many layers?

Cross started to tear up.

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