Ferris wheel (cross x killer)

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(A/N contains lemons)

After a long day at the theme park, riding all the rides and nonstop walking, cross and killer sat down on a bench in an attempt to rest.

Killer: fuck, I'm so tired.

Cross: yeah, me too. But this has been an amazing date.

Killer: heh, I'd do anything to please my man~

Killer sensually stroked a finger up cross' arm, causing his cheeks to be dusted with a light shade of purple.

Cross: b-babe?

Killer chuckled at cross trying to hide his flustering, he thought of more private places in the park that they could go to, until he noticed the Ferris wheel, the sun had just started to go down causing the ride to light up, all of its different coloured lights shined brightly, as the sky started to change colour killer realised kissing cross under the stars would've been a perfect end to a perfect date.

Killer: hey cross, wanna ride the Ferris wheel?

Cross: *le gasp* I'd love that!

They both walked towards the ride, thankfully the queue was empty so they walked straight on and into a carriage, a worker closed the door and locked it so they wouldn't fall out, after a few minutes, the wheel started to move, cross and killer looked around at the park as they gradually got higher up off the ground, by the time they were at the top, the sky had turned to night, millions of stars were scattered around the sky, cross gasped in astonishment as he looked around in awe.


Killer slowly moved his hand towards cross and gently grabbed his hand, cross started to blush again, killer also had a faint red blush on his face, they began to move closer until their faces were inches away from each other, they closed their eyes, ready to deliver a passionate kiss.

Cross: oh killsy~

Killer: oh crossy~

When they were about to kiss, the Ferris wheel came to an abrupt stop, causing the carriage to swing slowly from the momentum, their kiss was interrupted when they could hear workers arguing.

"The fuck have you done?! I leave for one minute and you fuck it up!"

"It's not my fault! I was unprepared. Look, I've called an operator, he said he'd be here soon"

Cross started to shake, although he was looking at the stars, he was also suspended eighty feet in the air on a ride that has broken down.

Cross: oh god, oh no, oh shit! We're gonna die!

Cross started to hyperventilate.

Killer: babe, calm down.

Killer gently rubbed his shoulder and sat by his side.

Killer: c'mon cross, breath.

Cross: t-this is it! We're gonna die! We could fall out, o-or the ride could collapse, even worse t-they could forget about us and we'd be stranded up here for all eternity! Why did I agree to go on this stupid Ferris wheel!

Killer: CROSS!

Cross froze as killer cupped his cheeks in his hands.

Killer: cross look at me. We're gonna be okay, it's only for a few minutes, and even if we are left up here, don't worry, because you're not alone, you've got me, and I've got you, everything is gonna be fine.

Cross: b-but-

Killer placed a finger over his lips.

Killer: shhhh shshshshhh we're okay babe.

Killer pulled away from cross and sat next to him, even with the pep talk cross was still shaking.

Killer tried to calm him down by massaging his shoulders, cross tried to resist it at first, but he soon leaned into killers touch, he purred when killer hit a sweet spot in his shoulder blades.

Killer: there, has that calmed you down?

Cross: k-kinda.

Killer: how about this~


Killer licked cross' neck, causing him to moan quietly.

Cross: a-ahh~ k-killer-

Cross froze when killer began to bite down, leaving hickeys over his neck, each bite cross relaxed even more.

Cross: ahh~ a-ahh~ o-ohhh myy~

Killer started to use one hand to slowly pull cross' shorts down by tugging the elastic waist, he stared at the purple skeletons pelvis as it decided what to summon.

Cross: k-killer, we're in public.

Killer: it's fine~ just don't make too much noise~

Killer looked at the purple member that cross summoned, it was long and hard, killer place his finger on it, sending shivers up cross' body, killer wrapped his whole hand around it and squeezed it lightly, cross closed his mouth to prevent him from moaning too loud.

Cross: mmm~ nghh~

Killer began to pump his hand up and down slowly, sending multiple waves of pleasure to cross as his muffled moaning got louder.

Cross: mmm~ ahhh~ ahh~ f-faster~

Killer gradually increased the speed, cross started to sweat, killer removed his hand from cross' member, causing him to whine.

Cross: nooooo~

Killer: I'm gonna give you something even better~

Killer raised cross' t-shirt up so he could see his smooth ecto body, he started leaving a trail of kisses down his chest and stomach, cross moaned louder as killers lips slowly reached his member, he kissed the tip before putting the whole thing in his mouth.

Cross: ahh~ a-ahhh~ nngh~ f-faster~

Killer started sucking faster, cross watched as sweat rolled down his skull, killer covered cross's member with his tongue, he moaned louder as he felt something in his stomach.

Cross: k-killer ahh~ I-I think I-ahhh~ I'm g-gonna-AAAHHhhhh~

Cross released into killers mouth while stroking his head.

Cross: t-that felt so good~

Killer gulped and put cross' clothes back on while cross removed his ecto body.

Killer: are you calm now?

Cross was breathing heavily while learning into the seat.

Cross: yeah...t-thanks babe.

Killer: anything for my baby~

Killer kissed his head, cross buried his flustered face in his hands.

Killer: heh, cute.

As if on cue, the Ferris wheel started moving again, soon they were at the bottom of the wheel, one of the workers greeted them.

Worker: hey, sorry about that, I hope you were okay.

Killer: we were more than okay~

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