Possessed (cross x classic)

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A/N contains force feeding

Cross: no

Cross glared at chara, who was floating around cross, trying to grab some bars of chocolate from cross's cupboard.

Chara: c'mon! Pleeeease?

Cross: no, I've already had six bars, I've reached my maximum amount for the day.

Chara: just one more, one more little piece of chocolate.

Cross shook his head and folded his arms.

Chara: you never let me do anything!

Cross: you're a ghost, you can't do anything. Now stop complaining.

Chara tried to grab cross by his leg as he walked away, but he ended up dragging them across the floor.

Chara: pleeeease! Pleeeease! Pretty pleeeease!

Cross: pleading isn't going to work.

Chara decided to break out the puppy eyes, they floated in front of cross.

Chara: pweeeease...just one wittle piece of chocolate?

Cross: that won't work either.


Cross: c'mon, I gotta get to bed.

Chara pouted like a grumpy toddler as they involuntarily floated by cross as he walked upstairs and into their bedroom, classic was waiting for him in the bed.

Classic: hey crossy.

Cross: hey babe.

Cross sat next to classic and pecked him on the mouth, he saw chara gagging and pretending to throw up, causing him to glare at chara and flip them off.

Classic: giving you a hard time huh?

Cross: yeah, they're just so annoying.

Chara placed a hand over their own chest and gasped.

Classic: ready for bed?

Cross nodded.

Classic turned off the light and snuggled next to his lover.

Classic: night crossy~

Classic kissed his cheek, causing cross to blush.

Cross: night classy~


During the night cross suddenly opened his eyes.

Cross: huh? Why am I awake?

Suddenly he felt his body move out of bed.

Cross: what the?!

He felt his legs move, but he had no control.

Cross: w-what's happening? Babe wake up, help me!

Classic didn't respond, he was sleeping like a rock, cross knew that it was his next to impossible to wake him up. Cross tried to grab onto things to prevent his body from moving, but his legs were dead-set on moving.

Cross: w-why is this happening to me?! How is this happening to me?!

Cross moved towards a mirror, he was confused when he saw his eyes glow bright red, but then he realised.

Something was controlling him.

Cross: w-who's doing this?! Show yourself!

Suddenly, chara appeared in the mirror, smiling and giggling innocently at cross.

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