Two little spoons (cross x dream)

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(A/N contains lemons)

Cross and dream just finished watching a movie, cross turned off the tv and snuggled next to dream on the sofa, he rested the back of his head on dreams chest, he turned himself round and looked at dream.

Cross: sooo...dream~

Cross began to smoothly run his finger in a circular motion around the back of dreams hand, he giggled quietly.

Dream: hee hee hee, cross that tickles.

Cross: you're so cute dreamy~

Dream began to blush, but he smirked when he wrapped his arms around cross and pulled him closer.

Dream: y'know, I think it's time we do a little~

Cross knew exactly what he was talking about.

Cross: but who's gonna be on top?

Dream froze, it hadn't occurred to him that cross and himself were both huge bottoms, and neither of them had been physical with each other yet.

Dream: oh...

They both began to blush and giggle awkwardly.

Cross: um could...maybe...

Dream: I...u-um...heheh...maybe I...

Cross decided to volunteer as tribute.

Cross: I-I'll be the top.

Dream let out a sigh of relief.

Dream: phew, okay.

Cross carried dream in his arms into the bedroom and placed him on the bed, both of them undressed into their underwear and summoned their ecto bodies, dream laid on the bed while cross tried to figure out how this was gonna work.

Cross: I just go straight in or...

Dream: um...just do what you think is right I guess.

Cross joined dream on the bed and slowly pulled down his underwear, exposing his member.

Cross: it meant to be this...floppy?

Dream: I think you're going too licking my neck.

Cross took his advice and licked dreams neck, he started to moan.

Dream: ah~ oh~ l-like that~

Cross bit down on dreams neck, causing him to wince.

Dream: ow.

Cross pulled away.

Cross: o-oh god, shit I-I'm so sorry.

Dream: I-it's okay.

Cross tried to use another method by moving a finger up dreams thigh.

Dream: oh~ ahh~ I-I think it's working ahh~

After cross stroked dreams member, he was disappointed to find that nothing happened.

Cross: ugh, what am I doing wrong?!

Dream: it's okay, neither of us are used to being a top.

Cross: I just wanna know how to do it right!

Dream: well, maybe go to someone who has experience.

Cross: who do we know has experience in this?

Cross thought to himself.

Cross:...ah, I know who.

Cross teleported away to a skeletons house, he knocked on the door, after a few seconds the door opened.

Cross-shipping Where stories live. Discover now