Scary movie (cross x error)

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Cross was sitting in his room when error walked in, cross was unaware of errors presence. 

Error: HeY cRoSs.

Cross jumped when he suddenly heard errors voice, he turned to look at error.

Cross: ah! Holy fuck error, someone should put a bell on you.

Cross noticed that error was holding something.

Cross: what's that?

Error: ItS a MoViE i ThOuGhT wE cOuLd WaTcH tOgEtHeR, sInCe ThE rEsT oF tHe GaNg ArE oUt.

Cross looked at the movie, it was a scary film, and even though cross wasn't fond of scary films, he knew that error liked them, and he didn't want to feel bad.

Cross: okay.

Error smiled.

Error: NiCe, C'mOn I gOt SnAcKs ReAdY.

Error walked downstairs, cross soon followed. When they arrived in the living room cross saw a bowl full of snacks on the table and a large blanket, cross smiled knowing that he could use the blanket to shield his eyes whenever something scary happened. Cross got comfy while error turned on the tv.

Cross: what's the film about?

Error: It'S aBoUt A gRoUp Of SkElEtOnS wHo ExPlOrE aN aBaNdOnEd CaStLe, YeAh It'S pReTtY cLiChE bUt PeOpLe SaId ThAt ItS rEaLlY gOoD.

Cross: sounds cool.

Error sat next to cross and started the film.

The first couple minutes into the film cross and error watched and occasionally ate some snacks, cross had a small lingering fear in the back of his mind about potential jumpscares.

Soon the duo moved closer to each other as it got darker, they wrapped the blanket around themselves for warmth.

Cross: heh I-it's actually not that bad.

Error: YeAh, MaYbE-

A loud jumpscare happened in the movie, followed by a scream of terror, cross squeaked and hugged himself, even error was shaken up by the jumpscare.

Error: S-sEe NoT tHaT bAd HeHeH.

Then another jumpscare appeared, even scarier than the last one, cross screamed and covered his eyes with his side of the blanket, error was also shaking.

Cross: t-this is so scary!

It was halfway through the film, there was jumpscares and loud noises almost every second, cross had been reduced to a shivering mess, error occasionally covered his eyes and screamed, error glanced at cross, he looked like he was on the verge of panicking, he reached out and gently grabbed cross's hand, he flinched at the sudden contact but he calmed down when he realised that it was only error, they tightly held hands throughout the rest of the film.

Cross let out a sigh of relief when it looked like the film was nearing the end, he kept the blanket away from his eyes, but still holding errors hand, error had stopped shaking and continued to watch the film as if nothing happened, he was almost bored after the adrenaline rush he had from the jumpscares had worn off.

Error: I tHiNk ItS nEaRlY dOnE.

Cross: I-I hope so.

Before the movie cut to credits there was another jumpscare, cross screamed and pulled the blanket over himself, he turned himself away from the tv and cowered into the sofa, the image of the jumpscare was still in his head, it was almost enough to drive him to tears.

Cross looked around under the blanket and also saw error under the blanket with him, also cowering in fear, when they locked eyes neither of them knew what to do, they felt their faces heat up as their bodies move closer, they hugged each other tightly and buried their blushing faces into each other's shoulders.

Cross: I-I'm so scared error, I can still see it in m-my head.

Error: M-mE tOo, I d-DiDn'T tHiNk It WaS t-ThAt ScArY.

When the credits finished, tv turned itself off and the room went dark, error and cross hugged even tighter when they were engulfed in complete darkness, their only source of light was each other's eye lights, at that point neither of them would care if the rest of the gang saw this and made fan art of them hugging, they were still processing the movie.

Error tried to move so they could hug each other easier, but error accidentally fell off the sofa and dragged cross with him.

Error: Oh ShIt!

Cross: ahh!

Cross landed on the floor, error landed directly on top of him, when they opened their eyes they realised that their lips were touching, both of their faces were covered with blush as they stayed in that position, after a minute of kissing error moved off of cross and laid next to him, they were still hugging each other tightly.

Error: Um...I-i-I tHiNk We ShOuLd G-gO tO bEd NoW.

Cross nodded as error began to stand up, still holding cross's hand, cross stood up as well and let the blanket slide off and onto the sofa, they both looked around the darkness, fearing that the monster from the film would appear out of the shadows and kill them, the thought made them both shiver.

They managed to blindly make their way to the stairs, still keeping their bodies practically glued together.

Error: t-ThAnKs FoR w-WaTcHiNg It WiTh Me, I-I cOuLdN't HaVe WaTcHeD iT aLoNe.

Cross: n-no problem, s-sorry I got so s-scared.

When they walked upstairs they reached errors room, cross was saddened by the fact that he had his own room, error was also sad, both of them knew they probably wouldn't sleep well alone tonight, unless they wanted nightmares.

Error: Do YoU...w-WaNnA sLeEp ToGeThEr?

Cross blushed at errors question.

Cross: um...o-okay, y-you mean it like p-platonically right?

Error nodded.

Cross: okay, I-I'll join you.

As they walked in they didn't bother getting undressed, they just wanted the night to be over, error positioned himself on his bed before gently pulling cross in, still hugging each other tightly they closed their eyes, knowing that if either one of them had a nightmare, their friend is there to help them.

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