Scary study partner pt 1 (cross x fell)

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Fell was always the centre of attention, the class loved him, he was tough, funny, rebellious and handsome, all the students wanted to be like him, apart from the nerds, who found his behaviour annoying and immature, but then fell would harass them, or anyone who spoke bad about him.

Cross was a shy and awkward arty student, who was also quite smart, but he didn't like to show it, mainly because of what happened to nerds who showed off, he didn't like attention, he just wanted to be invisible and not mentioned, thankfully he sat at the back of the class, so nobody looked at him.

Sci: so class that is how you add and subtract fractions-

Sci was interrupted when he heard fell whispering to someone.

Sci: fell. If you have something to say would you mind coming up and saying it to the front of the class?

Fell: alright.

Fell got up and walked to the front of the class.


Everyone laughed, apart from cross who was busy drawing.

Sci: ugh, just sit down.

Fell sat back down.

Sci: what we're gonna be learning next is-

Sci was interrupted by the bell. Everyone cheered and began to leave.

Sci: class dismissed, make sure you all study, because your final exams are only a few weeks away.

Fell: nah, I don't need that shit.

The rest of his gang agreed as they left the room.

Sci: actually, fell could you stay here please, I need to talk to you.

Fell:...ugh fine. You guys go.

The rest of his friends left as fell walked back into class, they stared at each other as the classroom became empty.

Fell: you wanted to see me?

Sci held up his report card, showing his grades over the years.

Sci: fell your grades are getting worse each year, and this is your final exam year, you need to study.

Fell scoffed.

Fell: nah, I'm too cool to study-

Sci: oh stop with this "too cool" shit, it's pissing me off! Drop the facade, tell me the real reason.

Fell looked around awkwardly.

Fell: um...n-no reason.

Sci folded his arms and read fells facial expression.

Sci: tell me the real reason.

Fell looked around before moving closer to sci.

Fell:*whispering*'s hard....I never know what to do.

Sci: that's okay, what you need is a study partner.

Fells face lit up.

Fell: a study partner? Sweet! Error and I would be the perfect-

Sci: no.

Fell: okay...dust and I could-

Sci: no.

Fell:...killer and I-

Sci: no.

Fell: well, me and horror-

Sci: god no!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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