Chapter 4

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"You remember that gelato in Rome?"

Dallas is laying across the beat-up couch with his feet on the arm in the middle of the cabin.

London sighs and rolls her neck. "That's what you're reminiscing about? Ice cream?" she says. She and you are standing over the table in the kitchen with maps of the police station in front of you.

Dallas sits up and turns towards you both, looking through the doorway. "Excuse you, gelato is not ice cream. It is insulted by your comparison and frankly so am I. The flavor alone makes it far superior."

"Alright fine, dingus, yes I remember the gelato we had," says London.

"It was so good." Dallas sighs and flops back down on the couch.

London angrily thrusts both her hands into the air. "Dallas I swear to fuck!"

You laugh and look up at her. Quickly wiping the smile from your face when you see London's murderous expression.

"Look, we have two possibilities. Either it's still untouched and the police know nothing, or, they realized the main vault was a distraction and are trying to gain access to the box," you say.

Belgrade pipes up from his position sitting at the opposite side of the table, "Neither of those is good."

"Yes, thanks for your input," says London while she crosses her arms.

"I'm here to provide muscle and helpful comments, you're welcome," he replies with a smirk.

"The muscle is Warsaw," you say, looking up at him. Belgrade slaps a hand to his bicep. "Tell that to these." He raises his arm and flexes it under his tight black long sleeve.

London and you ignore him. Malta should be back soon from scoping out the police station. It's been five days since the heist. Currently late afternoon. Your first step is figuring out what they know and hopefully finding out there's nothing in that safety deposit box.

O'Moore is expecting the routine status report in a little over two weeks. You decide to not think about the possibility of having to explain the situation to him. Just need to have a concrete answer by then.

The blueprints of the building are starting to blend together in a mess of blue and black. London wants to plan a heist to raid the police station. But without knowing for sure where you'd find the reports of the bank robbery, and the time needed to look through everything, you're hesitating on fleshing out that plan.

Warsaw snores particularly loudly from the other couch. He can sleep anywhere. You'd think he would find it hard to get comfortable being 6'4" but he manages it. Belgrade sighs and slaps the table with both of his hands, standing up. "Well, until you two figure out what we're doing I'M going to go bother Dallas." He walks away and yells, "Yo asshat, grab the soccer ball, would you?" He pounds his fist on the back of the couch Dallas is currently on as he's walking past.

"It's a football!" comes Dallas's voice while Belgrade is on his way out the back screen door. "Yeah the Australian know-it-all, we get it," he yells. The screen door slams shut.

You hear Malta pulling up on the bike in front of the cabin. Walking out to greet him, he nods to you while getting off.

"From the look on your face, I'm not expecting great news," you say.

"I mean, it doesn't look like they have any leads but I can't find a way in that doesn't involve at least one cop being injured or dying. London already said she can't hack the security system with only her equipment here so we'd have to go in blind as well."

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