Chapter 2

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(cw: violent situations)

You're leaning back in the swivel chair at the desk. One hand on your gun. The other holding the phone to your ear. It's ringing. You're wondering what kind of old, musty detective they have in charge of communicating. Probably a cop who is tired of his job and can't be bothered to try and negotiate.

The line clicks on. Silence for a few seconds. You've done this at every job as the unofficial leader. A small-town detective going into this, you predict he'll get nervous when he has to initiate the negotiation.

"Hello?" says a voice from the other line. Strong presence, with a deep quality to it. He has no idea what to expect, starting with a questioning hello. Perfect.

"Hey tough guy, we'll be out of your hair in a minute," you say, knowing the distorter on your voice makes it sound deep and robotic. "Would you mind moving that trailer outside? It's blocking our way out."

Flip turns to Ron, frustrated at this man's condescending tone. Coward on the other end using a voice distorter. He had not imagined a bank robber would try and politely ask for a favor.

"This is Detective Zimm-," the line clicks dead.

Slowly bringing the phone away from his face, Flip looks at it expecting it to somehow have the answer to what just happened.

"What the hell-," says Ron.

"We need eyes in there," Flip orders Jefferson. "I want that recording, and every cell phone signal in the perimeter needs to go through us," he says pointing to Jimmy sitting with the equipment. Flip storms out of the trailer. Followed closely by Ron. His boots hit the ground as he looks towards the bank. A furious expression on his face.

"After we figure out where the hostages are being kept and SWAT gets here, we're going in," says Flip turning towards his partner. Ron starts opening his mouth to object, but hesitates when Flip pulls out the cigarette pack from his back pocket with an angry grunt.

"Bank robbers?" asks Ron. Flip glances at him. "We've got some asshole copycats in there I bet," says Flip. "No way those guys would come here of all fucking places after Italy."

Grey clouds have rolled over the area. Flip feels a chill run through him and he's not quite sure if he's cold, nervous, or angry. It's surprisingly quiet for a bank robbery, he thinks. He expected to go in there guns blazing but that interaction on the phone just unnerved him. He has no way of calling inside because the line just goes dead. These past few years of doing undercover work have certainly gotten him used to talking with the "bad guys". It's always the self-assured man walking around like they could blow a hole in the Vatican and still go free. He always gets them. This situation may be new to him, but perps aren't.

"Get me the building's plans, would you?" he asks Ron, walking towards the squad car to grab his bulletproof vest.


"How do you know it is going to work hm?" says Warsaw from your left. You and he are walking to the back where the main vault is. The burner phone is in your pocket. Dallas had rounded up the ten employees and locked them in the bathroom by breaking off the handle so they can't get out. He joins you on your right walking down the hall. All three of you had pulled your masks up since you weren't in the lobby anymore.

You look up at Warsaw. "My strategies work, trust me," you say, "I bet they're scrambling right now, we ought to give them some time so they can get organized." Dallas nudges you with his shoulder and chuckles. "It's like that time in, uh, Moscow," Daniel says. "The colonel couldn't even get a word in without you insulting him." Warsaw chuckles beside you.
"It is like you enjoy arguing, hm?" he says. You've always thought arguing was fun. A way to relieve anger and antagonize people. You have the control that way. Don't have to worry about getting along with people if they hate you.

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