Chapter 10

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(a/n) Another flashback starts this chapter. Hopefully, they aren't getting annoying. Using google translate as well so I'm sorry if it's not accurate lol.

Your back slams into the ground.

The man is stalking towards you, raising his gun to shoot. It goes off with a bang right as you roll to the right. You scramble up to stand and take off running.

Breathing hard, your feet are slamming into the ground. They ache. You had taken your heels off when you went to search for the target to avoid making noise. Bad idea in hindsight. The grass is slippery. Sticks are poking into your feet.

Another shot. Hits the bark of a tree to the right of you. You veer to the left. Adrenaline is coursing through your veins. The nervousness from being on your second job ever, combined with being chased in the woods by a gunman, is all that's keeping you going right now.

The night had started alright. A charity dinner at some big shot's mansion outside of Helsinki. Didn't matter whose house it was, you were there for an attendee.

You hesitated after the arms dealer dropped to the ground. That was your mistake. Instead of climbing out the window and escaping, the bodyguard found you standing over his dead boss. Needless to say, he's now determined to kill you. He shoots again, debris hitting your legs from the bullet kicking up underbrush in the vicinity. You can feel cuts on your calves.

You wish Nico were here. Having gone through training together, your first job went supremely well. Today, you feel out of your depth.

He's catching up to you. Your bare feet aren't doing well on the forest floor.

"Komm her Kleine Scheißerin," he shouts as he launches himself at you. You tumble down. Arms bracing yourself for the impact. You try and roll over with him on top in the chaos. But he's too heavy. The gun is pressed into the back of your head. He stands up, breathing heavily.

"Wer hat dich geschickt."

"No one sent me."

"I will shoot you right now, tell me who sent you," he says in a thick German accent.

"Go ahead."

"Ahh!" He makes an angry sound. You're trying to discreetly reach down the front of your dress. Wiggling your hand to try and grab the tiny knife strapped there. At the very least you can roll over and stab his leg before he shoots you somewhere vital.


A gun goes off. Your heart is stopped. You blink, body in shock.

The bodyguard falls on top of you. The breath is knocked out of your lungs. Grunting, you try and rollover. Desperate to see who shot him.

He's pulled off you. You can breathe again. Rolling over, you see a familiar sight. Nico with his hand out, waiting to help you up. You take his hand and come to a standing position.

"You gonna tell me what you're doing here?" you ask.

You're happy to see him, even though you're a bit confused. He had a job tomorrow.

"You're welcome, by the way," he says, smiling and pulling you into a hug. You laugh. "Yes, thank you, Nico."

He pats your back. "O'Moore was worried about you."

"He thought I was gonna fuck up."

"You know, he cares about you, in his own way."

You pull away from the hug, smiling at him. He's been with the organization longer than you. You trust he has the right intentions even if what he's saying doesn't make sense to you. Your uncle can't care about anyone.

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