Chapter 16

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(a/n) ...more filth

You're rooting around on the floor after getting back from the bathroom, looking for your shorts when you hear the sheets rustle. A very tired Flip sits up, rubbing at his eyes. Glancing at him, you're suddenly very aware of your lack of clothing. Using an arm to cover your breasts, you stand and face away.

He frowns and stands up, sheets falling away from his body. Slowly stepping up to your back, he bends his head towards your neck, tracing a finger from your shoulder down your arm. Teasing you with his touch.

"Trying to leave?" he whispers, using his other hand to grab your hip and sternly pull you towards him. His erection presses into your ass, making it very hard to concentrate on your words. You scoff and mumble out, "You threw my clothes everywhere."

"You threw my clothes everywhere," he says, breathing in the scent of the hotel's shampoo when he presses his nose into your hair.

You're uncomfortable with how comfortable he's making you feel right now. When it should be awkward. Weird. Different. You quickly turn and push at his chest. Not enough to make him stumble, but to get your point across. "One-time thing," you grit out.

He scowls and steps backward. "Yeah. One time," he snaps, unable to keep his gaze from drifting down your naked body. You groan, more turned on by his obvious interest than annoyed, and step to the side, your goal on the other side of the room.

Flip follows, suddenly embarrassed at his actions. He's frustrated that you're pretending you have absolutely no attachment to last night. He can sense it in your tone of voice. And he saw your gaze drift down his body. Not, not, wanting him. It would be fine if you don't want to do it again, but he's not going to accept you brushing it off. Was it not good? He pauses his spiral of self-deprecating thoughts when you stop walking.

You slowly turn, shirt in your hands. Quickly stepping up to him, you point a finger in his face, mouth open to snarl something at him. Immediately, he grabs your hand, enveloping it in his fist, just holding it in place, not letting you poke his chest. You don't resist, but it doesn't stop you from abruptly blurting out, "It was just a fuck." Your gaze drops down his body again.

"Just a fuck," he echoes. He huffs out a breath of laughter, squeezing his hand around yours, knowing that it wasn't just a fuck. You're trying so hard to convince him that he's pretty sure you don't believe it yourself.

"What are you laughing about, I'm trying to make it very clear to you that it was just a meaningless-"

Your voice dies off when you feel his tongue tracing the length of your forefinger pointed at him. He's lifted your hand closer to his face and is staring at you while he sucks your forefinger into his mouth. Initially, you try and pull away, unsure what's doing. But after a second of looking into his eyes, you gulp when he pops your finger out, a thin trail of saliva following it.

Satisfied with your speechless reaction to his teasing, he's gently guiding your finger downwards, facing no resistance from your arm. Eventually, your hand is hovering above the apex of your thighs. He keeps eye contact while using his hand to slowly press your own against your clit. Not touching you himself, but controlling your fingers.

"Tell me you're not wet, then."

"Oh fuck you-" He interrupts you by slowly moving your finger to trace along your slit, the feeling of your sheer arousal surprising you. Not from last night, because you cleaned up in the bathroom, but you're soaked just standing here in front of him. You blink slowly, his hand wrapped around yours feels so steady.

Flip is waiting for something, he doesn't know what. All he can think about right now is seeing you cum again. Preferably causing it. Preferably very soon.

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