Chapter 3

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(cw: more violent situations)

Once they burst in the doors and clear the lobby, Flip sees a remote on the shiny floor. Picking it up, he looks towards the hostages still standing stuck straight in the street.

"Tell them they can take the vests off, and bag this," he says in a dejected tone. The uniform starts walking back outside with the remote in his gloved hand.
Ron and Flip continue stalking into the lobby. Unit 3 is covering the sides. Once they get to the hallway, he sees a red jumpsuit turn the corner running away from them. Flip called their bluff, a smirk on his face as they continue down the hall.

They get to the corner, Flip has his back to the wall giving a signal to his men with his left hand. Counting down.

Three, two, one. Go.


You and Belgrade are waiting outside the main vault. You both hear the cops moving around the bank. Warsaw hopefully already made it to the roof. Guns would be going off if Dallas and London hadn't made it out of the lobby in time but since you don't hear any you're assuming they also are on their way. You two will give them time to ensure they get up there.

Belgrade turns his head to you on the other side of the opening to the hallway. "He didn't find it did he," he says.

"Couldn't get it open. No idea if it's here or not."

"Christ." Shaking his head while loading his handgun. His brown hair catching the light when he does.

You estimate about ten guys from the sound of the boots hitting the ground at the end of the hallway. Turning your M-16 around to the front of you, you nod to Belgrade while pulling down your mask.

You had met him on that first day. Six of you gathering in an abandoned castle smack dab in the middle of Scotland. Green hills surrounded the lot of you while you put together plans to rob twelve banks and at preparations for at least five more. It took months. You asked him once why he chose the code name Belgrade. His response was, 'someone special'. Never got more of an explanation. Belgrade cocking his gun pulled you back to the moment.

The two of you turn around the corner at the same time, firing your guns at the floor. Flip slams his back to the closed door behind him, startled at the gunfire coming from ten feet ahead of them. He turns and fires his gun at the wall next to the head of one of the guys. One of them runs across the opening to the hall while the other provides cover fire against the unit firing at them.

"Go!" he shouts. They all rush to the end of the hall, coming to a stop at passages going left and right. Flip doesn't see where they went. "You four follow me, the rest go right with Ron." He leads them slowly down the hall. Listening for any movement. Gun held in front of his face.

You're panting from sprinting down the hall with your hands on your knees. You and Belgrade have come to the side entrance you scouted out the day before that leads to the alley. You pull open the door to two motorcycles. Situation 23 meant three of you would go in the van Malta had parked around back and two of you would come here in case you got separated.

"You need to run more, slowpoke."

You roll your eyes, turning towards Belgrade. "Oh, says the one who almost got us caught in Milan when he tripped up those stairs." He smiles at you, swinging his gun around his back while reaching for the helmet.

"Up!" You grab your helmet, placing it over your head. "Who trips UP stairs!" You flip the visor down.

"Last one to the safe house has to buy Dallas his candy bars for the next month," Belgrade yells as he starts his bike.

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