Chapter 15

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(a/n) After I post this chapter I'm adding 'chaotic plot' to the tags lmao. Also, the last third of this is pure filth... so...

You huff and cross your arms for the third time since you got in this truck, very cramped in between the two men. You're sat in the middle. Flip is driving, while Ron is on your right. You're pulling up to a gas station off the highway, almost halfway to Denver.

As Flip comes to a stop in front of a pump, he opens the door and slides out of the seat. You try to follow. Flip holds up and hand, pushing your shoulders back so you slump back onto the seat.

"Stay inside," he scoffs. Not wanting to risk anyone seeing you.

"I'm already in this get-up, I doubt anyone would recognize me." You gesture with an arm, making the sleeve of the flannel ride up to your elbow and you raise your other hand, tipping Flip's hat upwards in defiance.

You groan when he slams the door shut in response. Sitting there for a second, you see that Ron is already walking in. Turning around, you glance at Flip. He's not facing you, leaning on the back of his truck, arms crossed, waiting for the tank to fill up. You rap a knuckle on the window and he turns to face you.

When Flip looks back you're directing some very rude gestures his way from inside the truck. He has to stop himself from laughing, honestly. Seeing you almost drown in his shirt lessens the threatening demeanor you always seem to put off. At realizing he's almost smiling, he sees you roll your eyes and face away again.

The pump clicks and Flip hooks it back into the holder, then putting his credit card in his wallet. When he goes to open the door, he realizes it's locked. Snapping his gaze to you, you're looking very smug, crossing your arms and trying not to laugh. Flip's fist clenches around the handle. He motions with his head towards the lock, demanding you open it. You've had your fun.

It's getting quite stuffy in the cab without a window open, but you're stubborn enough to keep him locked out as long as possible. If you can't get out, he can't get in. You see him roll his neck back, aggravated when he realizes that Ron has the keys because he's driving next.

Your eyes focus on his neck and face, very entertained by his reaction. He bends his neck forward again and presses a finger to the window and mouths something. You can't hear him but it almost looked like he said 'brat'.

Swallowing hard, and dropping your mischievous smile, you're hit by the memory of this morning. Neither of you has said anything since. Same as the other night. Ron has been especially quiet about it, avoiding it seems like the best option now to him. Needless to say, it's been an awkward drive so far.

Flip is striding to the gas station, passing by Ron who is coming back to the truck. Ron comes to the passenger's side and opens the door. The one you didn't lock. He sets down a bottle of water on the dash and offers you one. With a small 'thank you', you take it from him. He smiles and climbs in, leaving the door open to let the breeze in. He opens a bag of chips and starts eating. You're thinking you should say something. That neither of you expected it, maybe? Or there's no way it's going anywhere? Don't want Ron to think Flip was hiding something.

"About this morning-" you pause when he sniffs. Aggressively. Ok, maybe you're reading too much into his reactions.

"Don't need to explain anything," he says, crunching on another couple of chips. "I can-" He chuckles. "I can see it." He nods to himself, tipping the bag up, getting a majority of the chips in one go. You look back to the gas station, bewildered. Immediately, you feel the need to clarify, "We're not-" you say, ending the incomplete sentence with a frustrated sigh.

"Well, it's something," he says with a laugh, very uncomfortable with the whole situation. You frown and cross your arms, slumping down in your seat, picking up on his uneasy tone, and deciding not to continue.

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