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Hello ! This one shot is apart of a three-part series based on the Folklore Love Triangle. This song is from the third person point of view surrounding Ruby Gillis. Cardigan and Betty Will be posted as soon as they're written and Edited.

Written by @swearbythesalt


Blonde hair, Blue eyes and Creamy Skin. Ruby Gillis was nothing more than a Doll, after trying her entire life to be everything a man could want, she was left in the cold, but after all, he was never hers to lose.

It all started in the summer of twenty nineteen. Heat and humidity flooded the once crisp skies, sundresses and baseball caps were adorned by all who mattered in the world of Ruby.

Living her entire life as a diamond, Ruby had finally glistened enough to catch the attention of one gentlemen in particular.

Gilbert Blythe had been the fond object of Ruby's affection since the first term of eighth grade. His hair had grown considerably over the summer, his eyes sparkled in a brighter green color then they used to and his once slim figure was blossoming him into quite the lean young man.

Ruby had always been the darling of Avonlea, boys and men alike fell at her feet, yet the only boy she ever wanted was always distracted by a Ruby of his own.

Red haired Jealousy had silently consumed Ruby for years, until the summer of her sophomore year when things started to boil over.

Ruby was a tender sixteen, sweet and fragile like a flower, with so much hope left in the world. It was her first month driving, just in time for summer festivities.

On a rainy tuesday evening in late June, she saw a beat up pair of converse riding along an even more beat up skateboard, both the boy and the board being pounded by the rain.

Upon closer inspection, the boy was Gilbert Blythe, a very disgruntled Gilbert Blythe. Pulling over to his side, Ruby decided to extend an Olive Branch and offer him a ride to wherever it was he was headed.

"Yknow Gilbert, I think you're the only boy in your year without a license."
She giggled, driving aimlessly when he said he had nowhere to be.

"I prefer to be closer to nature, besides, my board has never failed me."
He responded.

"Anne usually drives me when the weather doesn't permit my riding, or well, she used to."
He babbled, getting quieter at the mention of Anne.

"Well why isn't she driving you home today?"
She questioned, opening pandora's box.

"We actually broke up, I guess she didn't like driving me home all the time."
He responded solemnly.

They sat in silence for a minute, Ruby pondering what to say next. She was distressed for Gilbert, she hated seeing him so sad, but she couldn't deny the butterflies buzzing in her stomach.

"I always found your persistence endearing."
She responded quietly, with a kind tone and kinder eyes.

He glanced over to her, smiling, a slight chuckle escaping his lips.

"Thanks Ruby."
For the first time in weeks, Gilbert wasn't completely dreading the next five minutes of his life.
He had never noticed how beautiful Ruby was, her blonde curls cascaded calmly down her shoulders, so contrasting to the fiery red he was used to. She was so gentle and sweet, her voice was calming, unlike the debate and debacle he was met with when conversing with Anne.

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