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Part two of the three part folklore love triangle series.

Written by @swearbythesalt


"Oh screw you Gilbert!"
Anne shouted from across the room, her temper almost as red and hot as her hair.

"Oh c'mon Anne can't you give it a rest? I'm trying my best. you KNOW i love you, I don't know how to be enough for you!"
Gilbert shouted back, on the far side of Anne's bedroom. His curls drenched in the sweat lining his forehead, for such a small girl she was awfully loud.

"Oh you want to be enough for me? that's laughable Gilbert. You're a child, who refuses to grow up. You have these big dreams of being a doctor but won't learn to drive, you want to go to fancy schools but won't dedicate yourself to your school work. You're the smartest person i know and here you are wasting your potential. When will you grow up?"
She was so tired, Gilbert had been running in circles for months.

Gilbert was distraught, he wanted more than anything for Anne to be satisfied, it seemed like she never would be. Of all the girls in avonlea, he had to fall in love with the most demanding and intoxicating one of all,

"Just get out, and call me when you're ready to act your age."
She stuttered, pointing to the door.

He shot her a hurt look, the distance between them mirrored an ocean. Just as she directed, he stomped out her door and down the stairs of green gables, not bothering to say goodbye to Mathew who was sitting idly on the porch.

He skated down the road headed towards his home when the rain went from a sprinkle to a downpour, just as he was about to slow down and call Bash a petite blonde pulled up next to him, offering a ride.

His mind was clouded with anger and despair, wallowing in his own self pity, he was distraught. He hadn't even noticed when he told Ruby that he and Anne had broken up.

As the car ride went on, he was distracted from his troubles by her blinding bright blue eyes.

Ruby wasn't worried about his flaws, she wasn't interested in the things he was doing wrong, she was interested in him, in the moments they were sharing, it was refreshing.

Surprising himself, he asked Ruby to hang out again tomorrow, a simple gesture but it would alter the path of his high school career.

The next day was agonizing, he woke up with no missed texts or calls from Anne, for the first time in a long time. Throughout work he contemplated his evening plans with the blonde, going back and fourth on the morality of it all.

He'd always known Ruby was interested in him, but no one had ever compared to Anne, not until now.

He instinctively entered her car as he'd promised to the night before, falling into the step of her words. Their conversations came easy, so much easier than things with Anne.

The contents of his summer were simple, they entertained him and kept him content, for a little while at least.
He liked Ruby, he really did, she was kind and gentle, he could confide in her without being pushed to be better, he could be himself.

The last weekend of the summer crept up, he hadn't realized how quickly time flew with Ruby by his side.

It was the Last Thursday before school started and the sunlight was dimming. His secret spot had quickly become theirs as they laid upon a tattered white blanket.

Under the stars he felt content, gazing into her bright blue eyes, speckled green, he was happy. All his worries and doubts seemed to float away as he cupped her creamy cheek in his hand, tucking her hair behind her ear with his other.

Their lips collided gently, not for the first time but the most intensely, their friction deepening, tangled inside each others arms tousling around the white blanket that started it all. As her hands traveled down his back to the hem of his shirt, he was met with confusion. He felt so strongly in this moment, but he felt so differently than he did with Anne.

After a few more moments he pulled away from Ruby, both left breathless.

Once he was dropped off at home that night he was informed that Bash and Delphine would be gone for the weekend. Excitement Bubbled to his brim, his first instinct was to call Anne and tell her they could have one of their infamous Horror movie marathons, but that was followed by a sinking feeling in his stomach.

He walked up the stairs and sent Ruby a message, the realization that Ruby didn't like horror movie dawned on him and he was forced to come up with a substitution.

A few nights later he set up a pallet on his living room floor, a deep pain hit his heart when he left the blanket Anne got him for his birthday tucked away in his closet. He pushed it down and labeled it growing pains.

They day continued on in a blur, the pain of his failed relationship fogging his brain to a heightened extent, he missed Anne. It had been so long since he counted the freckles on her face and was charmed by her adorable albeit obnoxious laugh.

He and Ruby laid on the blankets and watched movies, sharing intimate moments he knew he'd regret, missing the way Anne felt melded against his skin.

The following day he couldn't bother to talk to Ruby, he felt guilty for what he'd done to her but guiltier for the way he betrayed Anne.

To clear his head he road around aimlessly, instinctively going in the direction of Anne's house, once he arrived he noticed a plethora of cars in her driveway, it must've been her end of summer soirée. Behind the barn and decorated in lights he saw all his friends hanging out in the garden.

He couldn't help but walk towards Anne, her vibrant hair calling to his deepest desires.

As he got closer he heard Josie telling everyone about him and Ruby, Confusion circled his brain, how had she known about what was happening between the two, Ruby swore she wouldn't tell.

"You heard the rumours from Josie I see."
He started, drawing the attention to himself, shocked looks all around.

"You can't believe a word she says most times but this time it's true, the only thing i want to do is make it up to you." He continued.

It stayed quiet for awhile, everyone looked for a reaction from Anne, Gilbert braced for drinks to be splashed at him but she just stood still.

"Do you like her?"
She asked finally.

"The worst thing that I ever did, was what I did to you. I love you Anne, it's always you."
He finished.

Although he didn't intend on professing his love in front of a crowd, he knew he needed to make it known.

She stepped towards him, his arms raising in fear, but all she did was kiss him.

And so they kissed, in front of all her stupid friends.

As soon as Gilbert Arrived home he blocked Ruby on all Platforms, pledging his loyalty to Anne.

It ate him away that Anne didn't know of the intimate moments he and Ruby shared, but he was determined to keep it that way.

The next day he awoke to a morning message from Anne, things felt right again. The day drifted by until he was met with conflict across the lunch table. He assumed Ruby would've been informed of him and Anne, and he wouldn't have to face the repercussions of his actions.

After chasing after the blonde, he had finally caught up to her, unbeknownst to him, Anne had followed. An agonizing argument transpired before finally ruby stomped away, he turned around to see Anne sobbing as well.

"you slept with her?" she cried.

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