Chapter 4: The Plan

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Third Person POV

                        -That same night with Brian-

As Brian walked out of Eric's house he went to the car that was newly parked there,

When he got to the car the window rolled down to reveal his wife Mia Toretto,

"Hey are they in there?" Mia asked,

"Yeah it looks good, but Bailey doesn't seem to like him." Brian responded,

"Oh look they're going to the beach." Mia said as she saw them walking out of the house and onto the beach,

"I kind of wanna go look and see how it's going." Mia admitted to Brian,

"Yeah I kinda do too." Brian also admitted,

They then looked at each other and smiled,

Mia then turned off the car and they both ran to the door and Mia got out the extra key to Eric's place and they saw Eric and Roman talking and laughing together, until they soon saw them kissing,

"Oh my gosh they're kissing, our plan is working," Mia said excitedly,

"Yeah." Brian agreed as they high fived each other,

When they saw Eric and Roman walk back to the house Brian and Mia went and hid in the living room,

When they heard Eric's bedroom door close they went and pressed there ears against the bedroom door so that they could hear better,

"OMG, omg, omg, omg, they're doing it." Mia said excitedly in a quiet whispered tone,

"Ew oh come on Rome, ew I don't wanna hear my baby brother do it." Brian whisper whined,

"Then why have we been planning on getting these two together?" Mia asked with a smirk,

"Well talking about trying to get them together and them actually doing that is completely different." Brian stated to Mia,

Mia smirked at him,

"Come on Mia let's go before they hear us." Brian whispered to her,

Mia nodded, "yeah let's go." She agreed,

Then they quietly left and closed the door quietly behind them and locked it as well.

                                Third Person POV

                        -Back to the Next Morning-

As Roman drove Eric to his job he stopped out at front so that Eric could get out and not be late for his job,

"Thank you again Roman, you didn't have to drive me to work, but thank you." Eric said with a smile,

"No problem boo anything to spend more time with you." Roman said,

Eric smiled as he looked down at his lap then ahead to the window then back at Roman,

"Listen Roman, I think we need to talk about this new thing with us you know, before it gets any further." Eric said to him,

Roman nodded "okay yeah, I think that that is a great idea." Roman said,

Eric smiled in response "great." He said,

As he got out of the car and was about to go and enter the building, when Roman called out to him,

"Hey Eric wait!" Roman called out,

"Yeah?" Eric shouted back,

"Do you want me to give you a ride back home when you're done with your work?" Roman asked him,

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