Chapter 8: you're a what?

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Third Person POV

Eric woke up and got ready to start his day which started with him checking on the twins and getting them ready as well,

When he did that he picked them up in each arm and went to the living room,

When he got there he was surprised to see Brian up and making breakfast,

"Hey Brian." Eric said trying to get his attention,

"Oh hey, I didn't know if you were awake yet." Brian said when he turned around and saw Eric and the twins standing there,

Eric smiled "yeah I am uh you know you didn't have to make breakfast right, I would've been more than happy to do that." He said to Brian,

"Yeah I know but I wanted to since I kinda crashed here and bothered you." Brian replied,

"Oh Brian don't say that you know that that's not true right." Eric said,

"Yeah." Brian said with a smile,

"Now come on breakfast is ready so let's eat." Brian said as he took one of the twins - Tristan - out of Eric's arm so that they both could easily put them in their high chairs so that they could eat,

After they ate Brian had to leave to go to work and Eric knew that Mia was already at work so he called the babysitter and when he did she had told him that she couldn't do it since she was busy,

So Eric had no other choice he either had to miss work or take the twins with him,

When he called Mr. Nobody and told him about his situation that he was in Mr. nobody had understood and had told him to just bring the twins with him since it was okay and that it was a safe place for them to be at and they couldn't get hurt,


When Eric got to work he saw that his friend Sarah was there waiting for him,

"Hey Sarah." He said as he got out of his car,

"Hey." She replied as she walked towards him,

"Mr. Nobody told me to meet you here." Sarah replied,

"Aww well tell him thanks from me because I could use all the help I can get right now." Eric replied,

"Yeah I didn't know why until now, you brought the twins aww." She gushed as she saw them,

"Yeah I didn't have a babysitter and everyone else that I knew was busy, so it was either bring them or not come into work at all, so I brought them seeing as it was okay with Mr. Nobody." Eric explained to Sarah as he got Tristen out of her car sit and into his arms,

"Aww they're getting cuter everytime I see them, it's a slow day today anyway so don't worry they're gonna be safe." Sarah said as she got Adian out of his car sit and into her arms,

When Eric locked his car they both went in with the twins and towards their desks,

"Oh before you sit down Mr. Nobody wanted to speak to you and he said it's fine if you take the twins in with you since it's not a big deal." Sarah said,

"Oh okay thank you Sarah see you later." Eric said to her, then took Adian from her and left to go and see Mr. Nobody with the twins,

After looking for him he finally found him in the meeting room,

"Ah Eric glad to see you finally made it." Mr. Nobody said with a smile,

"Yeah hi." Eric said smiling at him as well,

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