Chapter: 9 Brother's no matter what

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Third Person POV

When Roman and Eric got to Eric's house they walked in and were greeted by Anna with a smile,

"Hi guys." She said in a happy tone of voice,

"Hi Anna." Eric said greeting her,

"Thank you again for babysitting the twins." He added,

"Oh not a problem you know I love the twins and I love seeing you happy." Anna replied,

"Great because it's gonna happen more often." Roman said to her,

"That's great." Anna said smiling really happy for Eric who was like her friend and brother,

"Yeah well bye guys oh and the twins are sleeping okay bye." Anna said as she walked out the door and left to go home,

"Bye." Both Eric and Roman said to her as she left,

"Okay so do we talk now or what?" Roman asked as he turned to face Eric,

"Not yet I wanna check on the twins first." Eric said as he turned and went to go into the twins' room,

When Eric came back he sighed and said "okay let's do this." When crossed his arms,

"Okay what exactly is it that we need to talk about?" Roman asked Eric,

"Did you tell Brian that he wasn't a good big brother to me?" Eric asked Roman, 

"Uh yeah yeah why?" Roman asked, 

"You idiot why would you do that." Eric asked Roman,

"What do you mean why of course I said that after what he did to you." Roman said,

"Roman look I get that you're mad about the whole Owen thing I get that but that doesn't mean you can just go and say something like that to him." Eric said,

"Yeah and why not?" Roman asked Eric,

"Because Brian and I've had a very very complicated and deficult relationship and you had no right to say that to him." Eric had said to Roman, 

"So so what does that mean I'm not supposed to get angry when my supposed best friend tries to set up my date with someone else?" Roman asked, 

"Yes." Eric said in a straight forward tone,

"So what what you're just gonna go on this date to make your brother happy?" Roman asked Eric,

"If I have to yes." Eric said to Roman looking at him straight in the eyes, 

"And if I forbid it?" Roman asks Eric, 

"Doesn't really matter what you say about it because it won't even be a real date." Eric explained to Roman in a simple tone,

"Fine but I don't like this idea." Roman said,

"Okay that's fine." Eric said, 

"Fine then." Roman said to Eric,

"Fine." Roman said again, 

With that Roman left Eric's house and drove anyway to his place a little upset about what Eric had just told him about it,

He was still kind of upset about what Eric had said to him there in his house about Brian's offer, 

How could Brian even suggest such a thing Roman thought to himself.


Back at Eric's house Eric was on the phone pacing around waiting for Brian to answer the phone,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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