Chapter 6: why would he do that?

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Third Person POV

Meanwhile back in Mia and Brian's house they were sitting on the couch watching a movie while their kids were asleep, but Mia could sense that something was bothering her husband Brian,

"Brian are you okay?" She asked,

"Yeah I guess." He answered,

"Brian seriously, what's wrong?" She asked,

Brian sighed "okay I guess it's just that, I really don't understand Roman right now." He said,

"Why what happened?" Mia asked,

"It's just that, I don't know, it's just that he was really weird today, he acted like he did back when we were kids in Barstow and it was really weird." Brian said,

"I don't know what's going on with him I mean he was acting like a love sick puppy two days ago and now he's acting like a jerk and saying that it was just for a one time thing and that he didn't care about Eric at all." Brian explained to Mia,

"Huh that is weird, I wonder why he would do that?" Mia asked Brian in a confused tone of voice,

"I don't know either, but I don't like it either way." Brian said,

"Hey how about Owen?" Mia asked as she looked up at Brian since she was leaning on him on the couch,

"How about Owen what?" Brian asked confused,

"You know how about we set Owen and Eric up." Mia said to Brian,

"I mean yeah I guess, but why?" Brian asked Mia,

"Well I mean they did seem like they were getting along is all, and they seamed to enjoy each other's company." Mia explained,

"Yeah your right, I guess I could text Eric about it, see what he thinks about it." Brian said to Mia,

"Yeah but how do you know that Owen even agree to the date, or better yet if Eric himself will agree to it?" Mia asked Brian,

"Oh please, Owen will agree to it and I'll find a way to convince Eric." Brian said as he began texting Eric,

"Wait he might be busy and plus are you really sure you want to set them up I mean Roman and Eric have an age gap just think about the age gap between Eric and Owen." Mia explained to Brian,

"Oh yeah, your right then I'll think about tonight and text him later." Brian said to Mia putting his phone away and they continued to watch the movie.


Eric's POV

                          - The Next Morning -

When I woke up the next morning I got dressed in my suit and drove to work,

When I got there I got into my work without talking to anyone and as I was doing that I suddenly got a text from Brian,

- Hey little brother, how are you, I was just wondering how would you feel about being set up on another date again - the text from Brian read,

I don't know how to answer the text,

Just as I was about to answer the text I got a text from Roman himself,

- Hey cutie, you free to grab some lunch later - it read,

I smiled at the text and replied yes, but then I had remembered that I had to talk to Roman about the text from Brian, so I sent another text to Roman,

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