Chapter 5: Meeting The Twins

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                                   Eric's POV

So apparently being part of the crew or as they say, family, ment that you have to go to every gathering they have which had lead me to getting ready for a simple luch at Dom and Letty's house that they were hosting today.

After getting ready and waiting for the babysitter to arrive I got a text from Roman,

- can't wait to see you tonight ;) - it read,

I smiled as I shook my head in amusement as I replied back to him saying,

- me either ;) -

As the babysitter knocked on the door I went and opened it letting her in,

"Hi Ana." I said to her with a smile,

"Hi Eric." She said to me,

We then hugged each other,

"So thank you for watching the twins on such short notice." I said to her,

"Oh of course it's no problem Eric, you know how much I love the twins." Ana said with a smile,

"Okay well thank goodness for that." I said with a smile joking with her,

She laughed as well at that "well go on ahead and have fun, it's really good to see you go out other that just to go to work." She said to me with a genuine smile,

I smiled back at her knowing what she ment "yeah I guess it it." I said with a smile,

"Uh okay well I gotta go, I'll see you later and once again thank you for agreeing to babysit them on such short notice, I'd say this is probably gonna be the last time it happens, but to be honest with you it's probably not going to be the last time it happens." I say to her,

"It's fine Eric, now go and have some fun, you deserve it." She said as I walk out of the door and she sees me leave leaning against the door frame.

Before I drive away when I got in my car I sent a text to Roman,

- on my way, I'll be seeing you soon - it read,

Soon after I sent that text he had texted me back,

- great can't wait :) - it read,

After that I started my car and drove over to Dom and Letty's place,

                             Third Person POV

As Eric got to Dom and Letty's house he parked his car and went and knocked on the door,

When the door opened it revealed Ramsey,

"Hey there you are we've all been waiting for you." She said with a friendly smile,

"Oh well sorry to keep you waiting for so long but I'm here now." Eric said with a smile,

Ramsey smiled at that and laughed as she stepped aside to let Eric walk in as she put her arm on his back and guided him to the backyard were everybody else was gathering,

"Hey everyone, Eric's here." Ramsey said as she walked away and over to Mia,

Just then a man that Eric hadn't met before walked towards him,

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