Chapter 7: family no matter what

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Third Person POV

Brian left and went to the backyard and began dialing Eric's number as he closed the sliding glass door behind him,

As the phone was beeping and Brian was waiting for Eric to pick up the phone he rubbed his hand over his face hoping that Eric would pick up soon,

"Hello?" Eric said as he picked up and answered the phone after a while,

"Hey Eric it's uh it's me." Brian said,

"Oh hey Brian sorry about that." Eric said,

"Uh don't worry about it it's fine." Brian said,

"Uh so listen I was hoping that we could talk sometime soon like uh today maybe right now." Brian said a little unsure of himself as he said that,

"Uh yeah but listen Brian I'm kinda at work right now well not kinda I am at work right now but uh how about when I'm off work I call you and you can come over and we can talk." Eric suggested,

"Uh yeah yeah that sounds great yeah okay then I'll see you then." Brian said to him,

"Okay I'll see you then bye." Eric said,

"Okay bye." Brian said then they both hung up the phone and Brian went back inside feeling a whole lot better now that he at least talked to Eric for a little bit at the moment for now until they actually talked later that night,

After he went into the house he went and sat down on the couch in the living room and rubbed his face with a sigh as Mia walked in the room as well stopping at the door way and looked at him,

"Brian what's wrong? Why are you acting like this you know he loves you and cares about you so what's the problem?" Mia asked,

Brian sighed at looked at her,

"I know that Mia I know but I still can't help but think that I ruined his life or if he even wants me in his life or if he's just pretending to make me happy I don't know that's why I want to talk to him but I don't even know what to say to him yet." Brian explained,

Mia smiled sweetly at her husband then went and sat next to him and hugged him,


As Brian was waiting for Eric to call him he couldn't but feel nervous as well as anxious about it and just kept walking around the house,

As that was happening Mia was sitting there watching her husband walking around carefully she then got worried seeing him this way and decided to call her Brother Dom,

"Hello." Dom said as he answered the phone,

"Hey Dom it's me." Mia said,

"Mia hey how is everything?" Dom asked,

"Good everything's good but uh I need to ask you a favor." Mia replied,

"Oh uh okay what is it Mia?" Dom asked,

"It's Brian." Mia replied,

"What about Brian is something wrong is he hurt are you okay?" Dom asked getting worried,

Mia smiled at her brother and shook her head in amusement at his protectiveness,

"Yes Dom everything's fine but it's just that Brian is feeling a little down lately and I was wondering if you could take him out for a drink and get him to relax a little bit." Mia explained,

Dom smiled "yeah sure." He said to Mia,

"Okay thank you Dom bye see you later." Mia said to him as she hung up the phone and waited for Dom to call Brian then,

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