Chapter 2: He's your what?!

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                        Roman's POV

I couldn't do it, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get little nobody out of my head, not that I wanted to anyway. But I still couldn't think out what his name might be and I didn't have his number to confirm.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock, when I opened the door I was that it was Brian, I smiled "hey bri" I said as we hugged "hey man" he replied "what's up" I asked as I let him in.

"Oh nothing I just wanted to let you know that Dom wants to have another family dinner tomorrow ya know with everything that happened and all" he replied,

I nodded "alright cool, uh and not that I'm not glad you're here bri, but why are you here? I mean you could've just texted me this information." I couldn't help but ask,

Brian smiled and said "because I wanted to see your face when I tell you that a certain little nobody will also be there"

Hearing that I said "what?" Looking at him suddenly interested in what he had to say.

He nods "yup" he says popping the 'p' with a big smile on his face like he's exited for some reason that I didn't know about,

"Okay what's with the big smile bruh?" I asked wanting to know, to which he replied with
"oh I don't know, maybe because I can't wait to see you get all nervous and lovey dovey on little nobody when you see him again" while still smiling, with wide eyes is said "what?" Because I was shocked to hear that I would be seeing him again but also really happy.

I guess a small smile had appeared on my face because the next thing I knew Brian had his phone out and had taken a of me and that had snapped me out of my thoughts "what?" I said as the sound of the flash snapped me out of my thoughts "yeah and that's why I wanted to say that to you in person." Brian had said with a smile, "so is he really gonna be there?" I asked acting like a love sick teenager.

"Yeah" Brian said smiling, "like he's actually gonna come?" I asked, agian acting like a love sick teenager, Brian smiled and nodded at me "yeah man he's actually gonna come." I double checked with him I was shocked to hear that, how did he and Brian know each other, did they already know each other, did they exchange numbers before I saw them together, I knew Brian was marry to Mia but still I got worried for some reason, and a lot of questions popped up in my head until Brian waved his hand in front of my face and asked "yo Roman are you there?" I shook my head to snap out of it and said "uh yeah, so he's really gonna be at the family dinner, like actually there?" I asked

Brian smiled and nodded "yes Roman, yes he's really gonna be there." I still had to ask "so like actually really coming over and staying for more then a-a few minutes?" Brian said "yeah" with a small nod and was still smiling, then asked "so are you still coming?" I nodded
"Uh Yeah, yeah I am, I will be there"  smiling a little bit which caused Brian to smirk as well.

"Okay so I'll see you later tonight, bye" Brian said as he left, "bye" I replied as I closed the door and when I did I couldn't help but let out a little "yay" smiling widely, I just couldn't help it, I was so happy that I was gonna see him again and I couldn't wait to talk to him again and maybe I would finally get to know what his name is and hopefully maybe ask him out on a date or just to hang out or something, I just knew that I wanted to made progress in getting to know him more tonight.

                       Brian's POV

"So how'd it go?" Mia asked me as I closed the door to my car, "it went well." I replied as I turned the key and started the car, "so he's gonna come?" Asked Mia curiously,

"Oohh yeah He's definitely coming" I said with a sly smile as he looked at Mia,

Mia shook her head slightly amazed "those two have no idea what's in store for them do they?" She asked me,

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