coming out

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June 1, 2021

Should I tell him? Would he hate me after? Would he leave me? I'm not gonna tell him. It's for the best. "Baby." I heard him scream out to me. I looked over to the door while he came through it.

I smiled at him. "Hey," He came over and sat next to me. "What do you wanna do today?" I looked at him. Should I do it? Should I risk everything? "You ok?" I looked up. I nodded and smiled.

"Ok then," He smiled his big, beautiful smile. "Let's go to the mall." I agreed and got ready.

June 2, 2021
"I like the blue one better," I said as we scrolled through Pinterest. We were looking at random kingdom heart drawings that people had drawn. "We'll that red one looked hella cool in all honesty," Colby said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

When am I gonna tell him?

June 3, 2021
I laid on the bed, tears pouring out of my eyes. What's wrong with me? I felt horrible for not letting him know. He has a right to know. I'm just too scared to tell him, but what if he leaves me?

I looked over at him. He laid there so peacefully. His hair covered his eyes a little. His mouth open, while snores came out of it. He stirred a little bit. I was starting to cry aloud.

I quickly covered my mouth, even more tears escaped my eyes. This is so hard. I need to do this so I don't feel like this anymore.

June 4, 2021

Laughter erupted in the room. Aryia had said some stupid joke that we all thought was pretty funny. We were having a little get-together, all of us close friends. Colby and I stood next to each other in the back of the group. We wanted to be closer to the alcohol if you want me to be honest. Surprisingly we both barely drank. Only two shots and that's it.

"What's on your mind baby girl?" Colby whispered in my ear. His arms wrapped around my waist, while his chin rested on my shoulder. I leaned back sighing. "Nothing much." I closed my eyes. I was feeling a little tired.

"You tired Baby?" He spoke lowly. "We could go upstairs if you are." I smiled and opened my eyes. "That would be great, but you could stay down here if you would like." He smiled and kissed me. "I'd rather be with you." Now that's a way to give me butterflies. We told everybody we were going to sleep.

We got in bed shortly after and fell asleep.

There goes another day wasted.

June 5, 2021
I can't take this anymore. I'm going to tell him right now. He needs to know.

"Hey babe, could I talk to you for a second?" I stated. He was hanging out with Brennen. They looked up at me. Awkward. "What's up beautiful?" He asked looking back down at the Uno cards. "I mean alone." He looked up again trying to search what was going on through my face. "Ok," He stood up. "I'll be back soon bro." Brennen nodded while we walked upstairs.

"Ok, what did you wanna talk about beautiful?" Oh no, i'm starting to chicken out. "I-." I stopped. Was I going to do this? He's gonna leave me after this. "What's wrong baby girl?" He asked concerned. I sat down on our bed and looked down.

Tears started streaming down my eyes. He quickly sat down next to me and embraced me in a hug. "I'm sorry." I choked out. "For what beautiful?" I looked up at him. There was a concerned look on his face. Please accept me.

"Whatever it is you need to tell me, just know you can trust me." He spoke soothingly to me. "Take your time."

After a second of just hugging and crying I let go of him. I'm ready. "I- I'm bi." I choked out quickly. He looked at me. He had no emotion on his face. "I- you're bi? As in LGBTQ?" I half smiled at him. "Yes, I am." He hugged me.

"I'm proud of you." He whispered. Awash of relief came over my body. He's not mad. "Also congrats." He let go and grabbed my hand. "I understand if you don't want to be with me no more." His facial expression changed. "Oh no no no, I don't care if you're bi. As long as you still wanna be in a relationship i'm all for it. I love you so much. I don't think I'm ever ready to lose you." I smiled at him. "Wait," He trailed off. I looked up at him with worried eyes. "You don't like anyone else do you?" He questioned. I chuckled at him. "No one but you." He smiled and kissed me. I pulled away after a while.

"Thank you," He smiled. "What for?" I hugged him real quick. "For excepting me." He chuckled. "I would never not except you Beautiful."

I guess I was just overthinking this whole time.

Thank you to @shadowhunterXPLR for giving me this wonderful idea.


Thank you guys also for 63 thousand reads, that means so much to me! <3

!!Please go read my other books *Falling In Love With You* and *Forced Marriage* It would mean so much if you could go reads and vote for those stories!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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