He ingores me?

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"Colbyyyyyy," I said dragging the y in his name. I just came back from my friends house.

"OMG YOUR SO STUPID!" Colby screamed from our room. "He's playing video games." I thought.

I walked to our bedroom and opened the door. I seen Colby playing video games and talking to his friends. "Hey baby." I said. No response. "Colbyy" I said I little bit annoyed. "Omg he's right there!" Colby told his friends on his game.

"Ugh ok." I said and just laid on the bed. I grabbed my phone and watched youtube for 10 minutes. Colby then got up and went out of the room. "Wow didn't even notice me." I thought to my self. It kinda made me said that he didn't even say hi.

Colby then came back with a bag of chips. "Hey babe," I said looking up from my phone. "Hey." he said not even looking at me. "Thanks," I said laying on my side so he could only see my back.

One single tear drop falls out of my eye. I then went to the bathroom and just looked at myself. "Why won't be talk to me" I whispered. "OMG NOT AGAIN." Colby yelled at his game.

"Oh shut the fuck up." I said walking out the room not caring if he heard me or not. I sat on the couch in the living room. "Hey, what's wrong with you today babe?" Colby said sitting next to you.

"Why would you care?" I said sassily. "I don't know maybe because you just told the to shut up!" Colby said confused but annoyed at the same time.

"Go play your stupid game and don't talk to me." I said scooting over a little bit. "Are you mad because I didn't talk to you ?" Colby questioned.

I didn't respond because I knew it was true. "Ok." Colby said.

Then all the sudden Colby jumped up and hugged me and started kissing my face all over. "Colby stop." I said trying to get him off of me. "Why I just wanted to show off how much i love my babygirl." Colby said sweetly. I wasn't in the mood so i just looked at him with a straight face. "Go play your video gamessssss!" I said then looked away. "nOpE." He responded.

"Oh so NOW you can talk to me." I said. "Babygirl i'm sorry. I won't do it again." Colby whined.

I couldn't resist anymore I turned my head around and kissed him. It turned out to be a make out session.

I then pulled away. "Ok Colby i'm hungry." I said. "Well i'm not done kissing you." Colby said kissing me again. I kissed back about two times then pulled away. "I'm for real Colby." I said hungry.

"Fine just one more minute then we can go to taco bell." Colby said kissing me again. I didn't care as long as I get food in a minute i'm fine with kissing him for little more. Colby then picked me up still kissing me. He pulled away and smiled. "What?" I questioned. "Nothing I just love you!" He said with heart eyes. "I love you to Bubba!" I said back. I then got down and we both put our shoes on. We both Walked out of our apartment and went to taco bell!
Sorry i haven't be posting anything lately i've been busy, but I hope you like this one!
Word Count: 576

Colby Brock ~ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now