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We were dancing together. Having a nice time. My back was against him while he hand his arms around my hips. We got lost in the music. Forgetting that we where at a party full of people. My arms found their way around his neck. He started kissing my neck. Leaving wet kisses. We just met but it felt like i've know this man forever. Still didn't know his name. Didn't want to either. At least not right now. We were both drunk. "Wanna go upstairs babygirl." I could feel his friend on my ass. "Not tonight. Let's just dance." He groaned. "Please babygirl we might have just met but it's alright." I was kinda getting turned on. But I couldn't do anything with him yet. I needed to know him first. "What's your name?" He smirked at me. He leaned down a little. His breath hit my earlobe sending shivers down my whole body. "Colby." His smirked. "I'm assuming your gonna tell me yours." He giggled and turned me around. "It's y/n." He smirked and grabbed my hand. He started walking off taking me with him. "well then, let's get a drink y/n." I giggled again. "Sure Colby." We ended up in the kitchen. Colby poured us something. He handed a cup to me. I took it. I took a small sip of it. "So what brings you to this party." I asked leaning against the counter. "Me and my friends threw this party babygirl." My eyes went wide. "Really?" He chuckled and looked down. He looked back up and smiled at me. "Yup." He slowly got close to me. "Now about earlier." I gulped. Are lips barely touched eachother. "I-" He smirked. He closed the gap between us. Our lips made a perfect rythm against eachother. I felt like fireworks went off right behind us. Everyone in the room disappeared. He grabbed my drink out of my hands and put it on the counter. He pulled away. He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs. Let's just say we didn't go to sleep last night.

Colby Brock ~ imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now