"why don't you love me anymore?"

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(btw, this is no hate to amber, and yes she in this)

Everyone is hanging out at the new trap house tonight. I everything has been fine except for one little thing. Well actually for me it's not little.

Colby's been hanging out with amber so much lately. To be honest I don't remember the last time he even looked at me.

I'm beginning to think that he proposed to me for no reason.

"Y/N!" "Y/N!" Someone snapped me back to reality. I looked over and looked at Tara. "Yes Tara?" I asked kinda sad. But I made sure to hide it.

"Y/N are you ok, you've been staring at Colby and Amber for a little bit now." She looked concerned and sad at the same time.

"I don't know?" Was all I said before I looked over at Colby and Amber. They were dancing together and looked like they were about to kiss.

Everyone turned to see what was happening after they all heard me whimper. Tears were threading to come on.

"So what's going on over there sir?" I looked over to see kevin standing next to me while glaring at Colby.

Colby let Amber go and looked at me and Kevin. "Nothing what's up, why is everyone staring at us?" Colby started playing with his rings on his fingers.

I looked over at Amber and she was just smiling.

"What's so funny over there bitch?" "Oh wait let me guess you think it's funny that your literally all over MY fiancé?" "You think your so special right?" By now I was right in front of ambers face. Me being a little shorter than her.

"I am special just look at me." She smiled back. I wanted to smack that stupid smile right off her ugly face. But I need to contain myself. "Well guess what you fucking whore, your either leaving now by yourself. Or I'll fucking grab you by your fucking hair and drag you out to the street" Colby looked at me frustrated. "Babygirl, please st-." "NO, IM SICK AND TIRED OF WATCHING YOU BEING ALL HUGGY HUGGY WITH HER AND YOU DON'T EVEN NOTICE ME ANYMORE." I cut him off. I was tired of his bullshit now. "Why don't you love me anymore?" "Why did you even propose to me. It's obvious who you actaully love!" Tears where streaming down my face now as I wish let those last words.

I looked at my ring. I took it off and through it at Colby. I then ran upstairs to our room.

"BABE." Was all I before everything went black as soon as I reached the top of the stairs.
Heyyyy, Part 2 to this will be up and a couple days.

word count: 463

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