Late Night

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I giggled as Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We were walking around L.A. after going to the club. Colby didn't drink becuase he had a meeting with his gang. Yes I know what your thinking. "OMG COLBY IS IN A GANG" yes, yes he is. Colby is in a gang, the most dangerous gang in L.A. including the surrounding areas. He was a very dangerous man. To everyone but me. We've been dating for 2 years now. "So what should we do after i'm done with work tomorrow?" He asked looking straight forward. I was a little bit tipsy but mostly sober. "Uhmmmmm, I don't know." I said leaning into him. Colby stopped, making me stop with him. "How about we go get ice cream and then go to the beach?" He said with a smirk. "I would love that." I smirked back at him. It was very dark outside, the street lights the only light source. I usually wouldn't be walking around around this time but, I knew I was safe since Colby was with me. "Princess?" Colby said. "Huh?" I responded looking up at him. "You ok? I called your name three times and you didn't respond." I smiled at him reassuring him that I was totally fine. "I'm good Colby, I was just lost in thought." Colby didn't question and we kept walking. I wanted to take a picture of us together so I grabbed my purse looking for my phone. I kept searching through it starting to get anxious. I must have forgotten my phone at the club. "I'm so stupid." I whispered to myself. Colby knew what I was looking for becuase he had it. He seen that I forgot to grab it when we were leaving so he grabbed it and put it inside his back pocket. "Just a little." He chuckled. "That's rude." I chuckled back at him. We joked like that all the time. I really couldn't see how people saw him as a monster. To me he was a big fluffy teddy bear. He grabbed my phone out his pocket and wriggled it around the air in front of my face. He chuckled again while I struggled to get it from him. He was much taller then me making it hard for me to reach it when he lifted his arm all the way up, as far as his arm could go. I huffed giving up. "Fine yo-" I was interrupted by someone screaming. "GIVE ME YOUR PURSE AND YOUR WALLET OR I WILL HURT YOU GUYS." I turned back. My eyes went wide when I saw a man with a gun pointed at me. I gasped grabbing a fist full of Colby's shirt. Colby put my phone in my back pocket before smirking. "Go ahead buddy, I wanna see you try to hurt one of us!" Colby challenged. The man obviously didn't know who Colby was. He was stupid to go against Colby. He was a mouse going against a cat. He didn't know what was coming for him. "I don't want to have to hurt you guys, just give me your purse and wallet and you'll be free." The man said in a harsh tone. "Come get it princess." Colby taunted. I chuckled a little at the nickname he gave the guy. "What are you laughing at sl*t." The man said harshly pressing the gun to my forehead. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I gripped Colby's shirt even tighter then before. What if he actaully shoots. Colby was only encouraging him to do it. I looked over at Colby. He had pure rage in them. He looked hungry to kill. He wanted to rip this guys head off. He wanted to torture him until he begs to be killed. No one was aloud to call his girl a sl*t. No one was allowed to point a gun at his girl. No one was allowed to threaten his girl. No one was allowed to touch, disrespect, or make rude comments to his girl. "Pull the trigger and see what happens to you." Colby said pulling me behind him before grabbing his gun and pointing the gun to the guys head. "How does it feel? Huh? I does it feel to have a gun against your forehead?" Colby said stepping closer. He was gonna kill this man. This man is the biggest fool ever. He wanted to have a fight, he was gonna get one and loose. Colby was about to pull the trigger before glancing at his beloved girlfriend. She looked terrified. I didn't want to traumatize her. He was gonna kill this man though. "You are one lucky man because, if she wasn't here with us," He stopped to chuckle and remove the gun from this mans forehead. "I would have you begging me to kill you." Colby said. No emotion in his words. I widened my eyes. I hate when Colby kills people. He knows it too. "I'll give you 5 seconds to get your sorry a** out of my view." Colby said backing up from him. The guy turned around running away. "Turn around and close your ears princess." Colby said keeping his gaze on the man. I didn't question him. I did what he asked and I'm glad I did. I could still hear the two bullets though. They sounded as his they were right next to her ear. A tear dropped down my face. He just killed someone right infront of me. I never thought this day would come. But who wouldn't. I turned around and saw the man dead on the floor. Colby grabbed my waist gently but still rough enough to turn me around. "Let's go." He said. We started walking again. I was infront of him. Him very close behind. His hands on my waist confirmed that. "Don't cry," He said softly in my ear. "I would never hurt/break what's presious to me." He said kissing my neck quickly and kept walking. He made us stop. He lifted my head up, just enough so I could see his face. He wiped the tears off of my face before kissing my lips somehow. I looked down and we started walking like how we were before the man came to us. "That's why I tell you not to walk alone on the streets at night babygirl."

Hey, i'm going to be making a new story containing gang stuff. It will be about Colby and another girl. I will be putting it out soon! So please go check it out when it does come out!

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