"Just stop your crying
Have the time of your life
Breaking through the atmosphere
And things are pretty good from here"
[Completed: 27th July 2021]
[Edited: Currenty editing]
(description inside)
|| Spencer Reid x Fem!OC ||
|| Criminal Minds ||
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The next morning was the morning where Isla opened her cafe a little later than usual, allowing her to have a small lie in. Sprawled out on her bed, Isla's eyes scanned the words on the page of her book. An alarm was set on her phone that signalled when she needed to stop and begin to get ready if she wanted to get to the cafe in time for opening, she still had at least an hour. However, what Isla didn't expect however was frantic knocking on the door of her apartment.
Confused, Isla walked to her door and opened it. Spencer was standing on the other side looking tired and dishevelled. His tie was crooked and his cardigan was wrinkled. It looked as if he had gotten dressed in a hurry. When Isla told Spencer that he could come to her for anything, she didn't expect him to take her offer up so quickly. She expected him to be hesitant about asking her and she expected that it would be weeks before he even spoke to her again.
"You okay Spencer?" Isla questioned, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion and concern.
"Yeah, I didn't wake you did I?" Spencer asked.
"No, I woke up not too long ago, I've just been reading." Isla stated.
"Good, good." Spencer said, rubbing his eyes.
"Did you just wake up?" Isla asked, leaning against the door frame.
"Yeah I did," Spencer confessed, "And I'm going to be late for work because I slept through my phone call twice and I was meant to leave fifteen minutes ago if I wanted to make it in time."
"Spencer, calm down," Isla said softly, "Are you asking me for a ride?"
Spencer only nodded, casting his gaze down to the floor. To him, it felt awkward asking Isla for a ride to work considering that he had just begun talking to her only hours previously. Isla on the other hand was happy that he had come to her for help, it showed her that he was opening up to her slightly.
Reaching her hand towards the table she had situated beside the door, she picked up her car keys while slipping shoes onto her feet, "Let's go then."
"Aren't you going to get changed?" Spencer questioned, looking down at her attire that consisted of an oversized t-shirt and a pair of sleeping shorts. Spencer averted his eyes once he noticed that her legs were practically bare.
"Well if we wait for that then you'll get to work even later," Isla responded, grabbing a jacket that was already thrown over her couch from the night previous and shrugging it onto her shoulders, "And besides, I'm not getting out of the car, no one will see me but you."
Spencer gave Isla a grateful smile as she stepped out of her apartment, closing the door behind her. Together, the two descended down the stairs and out to Isla's car. Isla watched as Spencer climbed into the passenger seat beside her and clutched onto his bag. He didn't look as relaxed as he did the night before. He shifted in his seat multiple times in the time span it took Isla to start up the car.