4. New Lives Begin

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     After Louis took little Claudia with him to sleep in his

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     After Louis took little Claudia with him to sleep in his...coffin, I remained in the room along with Lestat. And I hated every moment of it. This nightmare is truly never going to end. 

     There really isn't another choice for me. I feel his cold gaze all along the side of my face. A shiver goes down my spine like lightning. I'm glad I've kept my hair long so I can hide behind it like a curtain. A shield I've used all my life. Though I'm sure my red locks aren't stopping his eyes from studying me. 

     "Get some rest now, you shall be awoken as soon as I rise from my slumber," Lestat told me when he got up from the bed and made his way over to the door. His strides were slow and powerful. Icy darkness flows out of him in waves. 

     I stand where Louis had once held me tightly. I haven't dared to leave this spot. I haven't moved a single inch. I couldn't move if I wanted to anyways, my muscles have gone stone solid.

     "You will not be bothered if that is what you are suddenly afraid of?" He raised his right eyebrow sharply and folds his arms in an elegant matter. Most of his movements so far are cat-like. A predator I never wanted to meet. I bit my bottom lip to hold in a sad whimper. 

     The action makes my blood cool down greatly, halting inside my veins like packed snow. The sparkle in his multicolored eyes taunts every move I make. My insides are doing flips the longer he looks at me.

     "I am not afraid." I hear the quiver in my throat as does Lestat. His glowing purple eyes narrowed. 

     My heart pounds ten times harder. I must not show this beast how frightened I really am. No matter the cost.

     "You're telling a lie, I can tell by the change of your heartbeat. The little noise it makes when the valves work hard to keep everything steady certainly puts on a show." Lestat figured me out quickly. I didn't even think about what this beast is capable of.

     He must possess evil magic within. The corner of his upper lip twitched slightly. I gulped a little too harshly.

   "It doesn't matter, I nor Louis will harm you beneath those sheets. Believe me or don't, the choice is yours." Lestat smiled sweetly and gracefully walk out of the room closing the door behind him and didn't even turn to look at my sickened expression.

     It was already humiliating enough to have to be saved from bleeding out by two real-life vampires from scary bedtime stories. Maybe I'm dead and this is my personal hell. I wouldn't be surprised.

     I stumble back to the bed and gently pick up the dead woman's arms and did my absolute best to pull her off without making loud noises. My stomach clenched tightly. My shaky hands were now covered in mine and this woman's cool blood.  

     I can't help but whimper out in terror as the woman's limp head tilts to the side. Her dead brown eyes have been glazed over. As if she were staring into my complicated soul. I turned away quickly yo keep my vomit at bay. 

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