8. Forever and Always

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     These past seven years have been a little troubling, to say the least

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     These past seven years have been a little troubling, to say the least. The locals have begun to....talk about how none of us look any different from when we first moved into our home.

My precious darling, my Lestat had ended up killing people in order to create a different buzz around town. Just enough new gossip to change topics. It worked, for a while.

I grew fond of attending afternoon tea time with the richest housewives in town. Their gossip was rather funny.

Lestat had woken me up early this evening, before the sun had set fully, to tell me he wants us all to go to the living room, he has some unsettling news. Now of course I grew concerned and tried to get the answer out of him but he wouldn't budge.

I might have this vampire wrapped around my finger but damit he surely liked to give no hint of what's on his mind sometimes.

"Don't be frightened my beautiful Sweet, everything will be alright, I promise you that." He said when I grasped his cold hands in mine.

I see in his violet eyes that something is not right but he didn't say another word. He soon left my room shortly after tenderly kissing me a little above my eyebrow.

The small simple touch made tingles of fierce heat erupt everywhere. I wonder if I have the same effect on him.

Now all of us are sitting among the couches and a few chairs. Louis is as clueless as I am. Little Claudia is right next to him with her hand on his forearm. She's cradling a doll close to her chest.

It's the small plush doll that I had gifted to her three years ago. I wanted to pitch in on her and Lestat's tradition.

That devil has disappeared and has us waiting for him to make his grand entrance. I've got that sick feeling, the same feeling I had when I woke up inside his coffin.

As strange as it sounds, being in his coffin for hours at a time maybe twice a week helped me overcome some of my fears.

The silence that fills this whole house has suddenly become loud and prominent. That's when the front door was slammed open and Lestat walked in but he didn't look how he should. There is no skip in his step, the same skip that Claudia had inherited. There was no swing to his arms either.

I stand up quickly and grasp my stomach with both hands as if this will ease my discomfort. His gaze is cast down as he makes his way over to us. Louis stands as well and takes place by my side. I feel him grasp my shoulder. I feel my fast heartbeat in my eardrums.

"What's the matter Lestat?" Louis asked as the blonde vampire stepped in front of us. Claudia was at his side in a matter of seconds and her arms were around his waist. But he didn't move a muscle. That's when my heart dropped to the floor.

"The locals have started to ask the wrong questions, my friend." Lestat finally said after mere moments of total silence. Of course, all three of us know what he means by this.

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