Day 10

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Patrick's POV
"Patrick, the pizza is here." I hear Moira say, and Andy gets up, faster than a lighting bolt, and grabbing a slice of pizza...... with Pete.
Does Pete like him? I wonder this while walking with my sister to get a slice of Pizza, but my thoughts stir when Moira pulls me to the side and whispers in my ear.
"Patrick my dear friend, Peter has found new love. That look for you're sisters husband is it? Yes Andy." She pats my back and I sigh. I never should have trusted him.

"I know, I can tell." I sigh once more, and push back my hair with stress. Moira looks at me with pity, and I go back to my sister, and grab a slice of pizza.

"Sooooo, how's life?" My sister asks, and I tell her about my experiences with my failed jobs, and this house, just about moving.

"It wasn't hard, I only had a few items. it came furnished." I tell her and she smiles, saying it was a good choice, but it really wasn't. I'm fucking dead, but I can't tell my sister that, well maybe later. 

We talk for a few more minutes until I notice Pete's missing. 

"Hey do you know where Pete went?" I ask Megan and she shrugs her shoulders, but then Moira comes over. 

"He went to show Andy around a half hour ago, so he's probably upstairs." She gives me that look, but I don't believe her. Pete loves me a lot, he wouldn't do that. 

Would he? 

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