Day 1

876 54 14

I carry my Coco inside a beautiful Victorian house. Made back back then. Yea, I don't remember when. 

"Now would you like a tour, or are you okay by yourself Mr. Stump?" The realtor asks and I shake my head.

"No thank you, but thanks for the offer. I'd like to explore on my own." I answer back. I'm nice, okay? 

"Oh I pray for your soul." The realtor mumbles under her breath and steps outside to leave. Weird, I wonder why she said that. 

She shuts the door behind her, and I sigh, letting the scent of the wood fill my nostrils. Coco jumps out of my arms and explores own her own. She immediately heads to the basement, and I follow. 

"Coco baby, what are you up too?" I ask sweetly and she meows. She slowly steps down the stairs, like she's scared, and we both make it down to the floor. 

Coco meows and runs up ahead, and I lose her in the dark. I quietly try to follow her until a screeching sound of agony  hits my ears. 

Coco speeds back and hides behind my legs. I carefully pick her up, and I feel liquid on my hands. 

Blood. She's bleeding. 

"Oh Coco baby, what happened?" I ask freakishly,  going up the stairs until I hear a voice. 

"Come back." A faint male voice says and I stop, then continue up the stairs. I make my way to the kitchen, and place Coco on her side; so I can look at the wound. She got teeth mark, like a dog bite. I get my first-aid kit, and get ready to heal her until I hear gentle foot steps come into the kitchen. 

"Sir, I can handle this." An elderly lady in a maids outfit sets foot in the kitchen and I glare. 

"What are you doing in my house?" I ask, freaking out and she smiles.

"I'm your maid, Ms. Moira O'Hara, but you can just call me Ms. O'Hara. Now what your cat needs, is a little bit of miracle from Moira." She walks over to Coco and gently pets her. 

"Now, now Coco you're going to be aright. Moira's got you." The maid says and I step back, since I seriously have no idea what to do in this situation. 

Ms. O'Hara fixes Coco up very quickly, and Coco jumps up, and runs into my arms, just shaking. 

 "Ms. O'Hara, thank you very much." I thank her, since she patched Coco up well.

"Your very welcome Mr.Stump, may I show you the rest of the house?" I nod and she leads me up a beautiful set of staircases with Coco in my arms to explore. 

"Here is the guest room, and ah, here to your left, is the master bedroom. Which I'm guessing is your room." She leads me into a beautifully big room, with white curtain, and a beautiful bed, with sheets already on it.

"I didn't know it came furnished." I say as I touch the fabric of the bed sheets.

"These aren't yours?" Ms. O'Hara asks and I shake my head.

"Oh very well then, I guess it is yours." She smiles and heads out of the room.

"Would you like some coffee Mr.Stump?" She asks looking back from the hallway.

"No thank you Ms. O'Hara. But some peppermint tea would be nice. Would you like to have some with me?" I ask and she sighs.

"Mr.Stump, I will be happy to have some tea with you. I will go make it and set it on the table." She goes downstairs, and starts tea.

I put Coco down on the bed and sigh.

"Oh will we ever be okay Coco?" I ask my cat. I must be insane, talking to my cat. Well she is my only friend. This got sad.

"What a pretty face you have." That voice comes back, and I look around until my eyes fix on a man, a beautiful man ; with tattoos all up his arms. His eyes are brown, a beautiful chocolate coloured brown. And his brown hair, up in that fuckboy hair cut, but it looks best on him. Wait, what the fuck is he doing in my house?!?!???

"Uhm hello?" I ask and he waves.


"Well, your back door was open." He smiles, and sits on the bed to pet Coco.

"You have a beautiful cat, Coco is her name?" He asks and I cautiously pick her up.

"Uhm yea, I'm going have to ask you to leave." I politely say and he sighs.

"My dear friend, there is a problem with that. Nobody leaves from the murder house. Not me, not Moira, and especially not you my sweetheart. " He smiles, and skips down the hallway.

What the fuck did I get myself into?

Almost Human - Peterick Where stories live. Discover now