"I love you"

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"I love you, y/n."
I look up at Ruel, smiling slightly.
"...w-what?" I ask, tilting my head up, suprise on my face. Ruel looks at me and then looks at every one in the room, going slightly red in the face. He grabs my hand and walks outside with me, still on our outfits for the music video. "Y/n, the other night when you fell asleep in my arms, right as we had lay down, you told me you loved me...do you remember?" I look at him, and shake my head, brow furrowed. "Hey," I look into his eyes. "It's okay, if you don't remember. And you don't have to say it back I'd you don't want to. I just want you to know that I do... Y'know, love you."

"Really?" I ask wrapping my arms around him. He looks at me, lifts me and spins me around. "Nah, I don't." He looks down at me and laughs. "Yes, I love you, silly." I kiss him quickly on the lips and pull away. "Hey! Get back over here." He jogs to catch up to me and wraps his arms around my waist, hoisting me up to I'm standing on his shoes, and kisses me soft and slow and sweet, and I melt into the kiss. He pulls away, and I'm left breathless. I open my eyes after a moment and he's looking down at me, with a small smile on his face. "Let's go teach you how to surf y/n." He says, kissing my nose.

Less than an hour later, I'm standing on a surf board, on the sand at the beach, and Ruel is behind me, going through the steps on how to surf. He looks at me, and says " hey! You got it! You ready to try it in the water?" I smile and nod, picking up the board and running into the water. I paddle out, and dive under the first wave, getting ready to ride the next one. Once it comes, I paddle as hard as I can and then stand up on my board, riding the wave for about 20 seconds, before falling off, and jumping back on the board, paddling back to the shore.

Ruel runs at me, a massive smile on his face. He lifts me up and spins me around screaming, "you did it y/n!" Suddenly we here a screech, and he puts me down, as we both turn to the sound. A girl is running over to us, and barrels into Ruel, screaming. I laugh as he looks at me apologetic, and I step back so she can have his time with her. He is famous, I remind myself, if I want him, I need to want all of it, even if it's hard hearing other girls say "I'm in love with you Ruel! I'm sure I'd be better than your new girlfriend." I look over at the girl, who looks about 14 years old. Ruel looks at her and laughs. "Would you like to meet my girlfriend?" He asks, gesturing over to me. I walk over, and she looks at me, and frowns. "Hey, I'm y/n." I say, smiling.

She flounces off, and Ruel wraps an arm around me. "I'm sorry beautiful, I can't stop the hate, but trust me, there are many people who think we are great together." He looks down at his phone, and starts tapping on it. "See?" I take his phone and look at the music video for the first time. Ruel looks stunning. And then I come on the screen, and for once, I feel pretty. I watch as the two people float around, and I realise how I'm love I am with this man. I guess I knew before, but I blocked it out, but in reality, can you block about an inevibility? I scroll down to the comments.

They look so good together
She's beautiful. I wish it was me
She only want him for his fame
Ruel, where has this girl been?
Damn, Ruel I'ma steal your girl.

I look at Ruel and smile. I knew that this boy would ruin my life, but I didn't realise he would make it so much better either.

(A/n: I apologize, I haven't written in agessss lmao. I've been so busy with school. Anyway ily guys! Word count: 734 words)

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