Are you up to something?

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I woke up to the feeling of little pecks across my face. I scrunched my nose and squinted, looking down as Ruel placed little kisses across my face. It was difficult when we got like this, because his family called it the honeymoon process. But in reality it was nothing if the sort. Anytime anything got even close to intimate, we were interrupted. The most that had ever happened was Ruel's shirt almost coming off. I reached my hand up and touched his hair, his cheek, his lips. He smiled and pecked my lips quickly, before jumping up and letting me prepare to get up. As he left, probably to go talk to his family, I got up and pulled on shorts, and grabbed on of his shirts and placed it on, pulling it over my head as he walked in with suitcases.

"What's going on?" I say tiredly, wiping my eyes and sitting up, adjusting to the light as he opens his black curtain shades. He smiled at me excited. Jumping on me, making us both fall back into the bed, he shouted "GUESS WHO IS GOING ON A WEEKEND GET AWAY?!?" I laughed, and realising what that meant, I looked up, questioningly. He nodded. "It's just gonna be you and me my love."

A/N: it's short, but I needed to give you something haha

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