Photo time

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I wake up in a tangled mess. I can't move, and there's something on me. I look down, and see Ruel's head, his hair a little messy, lying down on my chest. The blanket is sprawled around us, twisted between the both of us. I smile gently, and remember how he comforted me last night, even though he's the one sporting a bloody lip. The swelling around his eye disappeared, and he just looks really tired. I shift a little, trying to slide out from underneath him, when he looks up, and wraps his arms tightly around my waist. "Don't leave me." He mumbles. I try to pull down the shirt that he gave me to wear, after arguing with me that I couldn't sleep in denim. "I have to get changed into my clothes, I need to get up." I whisper, not wanting to be to loud, because his sleepy face was really cute. His head lift up, and he leans on his elbows, looking up at me. "Nope. You can't wear those clothes again." He says, shaking his head, squinting, as his eyes adjust to the light. "Why can't I?" I question, sitting up a little bit as well, leaning back on my elbows. He looks at me and says, "you can wear a pair of my shorts for now, but you had a rough night, and I'll ask Coco to buy you some clothes to wear, and You can shower. I sigh and flop back down into the bed, before swinging my legs over to the side of the bed, about to get up, before I feel strong arms, pulling me back against Ruel's chest. "I told you not to leave me." He twist me around so that i'm  facing him, and buries his head into my neck. He sits there for a minute, and then pulls his head up and looks at me. "I look down at him and smile. "What?" He looks at me, his eyes focused on me, and he smiles gently. "Don't worry about it." With that, he gets up and grabs the phone sitting on the bedside table. "Hey, can I get two green smoothies please? Yeah, room 202 okay thank you, bye." I looked up at him smiling. He glanced over and laughed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked. "No reason. I love smoothies." I say laughing too. I get up and walk over to the balcony, open the doors and lean against the railing. Ruel comes out and wrap his arms arounds my waist, kissing the top of my head. The buzzer chimes and he steps away, over to the door. He comes back a moment later and passes me a smoothie. "Here you go," he says "I take a sip and smile. "Thank you." We finish the smoothie, and Ruel grabs a spare toothbrush and passes it to me. After brushing our teeth, he pulls me over to the other door, and knocks. Coco answers and smiles when she sees me. "Hey y/n. You need some more clothes huh?" Ruel looks at her and nods. "Okay I'll head off and get them. Ruel, get out please." Ruel looks hurt and Coco rolls her eyes "she needs to shower, and she probably doesn't want you in here with her." I laugh as Ruel goes red and mumbles something about finding his mum and talking to her about the plans to cover up last night. When he leaves, Coco shuts the door and locks it. She turns to me and smiles. Then she heads over to her room, walks in and comes back out with a razor, soap, and a fresh bottle of deodorant. "Here." She winks and says she'll be back in about half an hour. 

I shower, and sit down in the hot water, letting it wash over my skin, and contemplate what's going to happen. Suddenly, I hear banging on the door. I quickly wrap a towel over myself, assuming it was Coco with the clothes. It had only been 15 minutes, but maybe she was finished already. I go to the door and unlock it, and Ruel barges in, muttering something, and then looks up when he realises that I'm sitting there with wet hair and a towel wrapped around me. He looks down and sees that I cut my leg when I was shaving. I look at his hands, and sees that he has a spare towel. "For... your hair." He says. "Ohh, thank you." I say a little awkwardly. He comes over and wraps my hair up, wipes the blood from the cut on my leg, gets a bandage, puts it over the cut, kisses it, and gets up and goes to leave. "Wait." He looks back, confused and I smile sheepishly. "Talk to me?" I ask and he laughs and sits down on the toilet, after pulling down the seat. I slowly start to dry my hair, and he talks about tour life. After a while, we sit comfortably in silence, before he brings up last night. "Soo... about last night." I look at him, and he smiles and looks down. "I'm glad it happened. I don't know if many people know this, but I've never really been able to save much time for relationships, because I've put my music first." I nodded, and he looked up at me, with wonder in his eyes. "It was easy yesterday though. I feel at ease around you, and I want you-" he stops talking, and looks down. "You want me what?" I ask slowly. He doesn't say anything for a while, and he looks as if he wants to "That's just it. I want you." He finally says. And he shakes his head and laughs. I want all the fight, the tears, the awkward conversations, and I want to know all of your fears. I don't want this to be a one time thing y/n. I want it to be real." He hears the door to Coco's room and gets up and leaves. Coco knocks on the door and walks in. Here, I think this will look pretty good." She hands you a bag and leaves.

You walk out into the room that you slept in, and see Ruel sitting on the bed, scrolling on his phone. He looks up at you and his jaw drops. "Woah." You blush and look down and when you look up Ruel is standing in front of you. "Come on. I have an idea." He takes you to a park, where his photographer is waiting. She smiles at you and says "so you're the famous y/n Ruel keeps talking about?" You look to Ruel questioning what was going on. "I want to show people you. Not your face. Yet" he adds winking. "The plan is to take photos with you hair covering your face, and ima post them on Instagram and Snapchat. You agree, and soon your sitting on the floor, making daisy chains with Ruel. He places one on your head, and you smile at him. The the sun comes out from a cloud, and Ruel pulls you up, and tilts your head up, and looks down at you, and he tilts your heads so it looks like your about to kiss. The photographer takes a photo and says, "that will look good, because it's just your silhouettes.I think we are good." Ruel looks at you, and kisses you quickly on the lips. His phone goes off and he picks through the photos, and he posts them, telling you to look at them, with the daisy chain that he placed on your head being the first one. He labelled it 'my queen.' Instantly, you pull out your phone and look, hearting all of them.  Instantly girls are writing comments like, 'oh my god who is that?' Ruel looks at you and grins, gently pushing you over so you are lying on the grass. "It's started."

(Word count: 1342  words)

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