Untitled Part 5

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I'm lying on a giant swing, Ruel next to me, and it's quiet, peaceful. I sense I'm being watched so I turn my head, and see Ruel looking at me. He turns to his side, facing me. "Tell me something I don't know," I rest my head on my hand, and think. "I'm one of 4 children." He looks at me, bewildered, and I laugh. "I seriously didn't know that! Why didn't you tell me y/n?" I laugh harder. "I don't know, it just didn't come up?" He shakes his head at me while I keep laughing.    "I want to meet them." I look at him, my laughter fading instantly. "Wh-What?" He looks at me and smiles. "I was to meet your family y/n." He looks up and his face fills with alarm. "Put your hoodie over your head. Now. And don't look behind you at all." He pulls me up off of the swing, whilst keeping my head covered from whatever was behind me. He shoves glasses onto my face, and pulls a face mask out from his bag, and tells me to put it on. I hear footsteps behind me, and the click of a camera. "Who's your new friend Ruel? Let's see then, is she cute?" Ruel puts his hand over your shoulder, and walks away, so fast that I stumble. "Sorry," Ruel says, but he doesn't slow down. The paparazzi run around to face you, and you put your head down. "Ah go on then, give us a smile." Ruel gets to a car and opens the door, and I hastily climb inside. He gets in after you and slams the door shut. "Fuck." He looks at you. "I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't think they would come after you so fast." As you look at him the car starts moving, and as he goes to say something else, you swing your leg around, so your sitting on his lap, and you kiss him. Hard.   "It's not like I'm complaining, but what was that for?" He breaths out. "You mean it? You really want to meet my family?" I ask. He realises that I'm not wearing a seatbelt, and he freaks out. "Y/n! Put your seatbelt on!" I get off of him and click my seatbelt on. He looks at me and smiles. "I told you y/n," he whispers. "I don't want it to be a one time thing." He pulls me into his chest and kisses the top of my head.

When we got back to the hotel, Ruel pulls out his phone and looks at it. "Shit." He tosses his phone down, gesturing for me to look at it. I pick it up, and see pictures of Ruel, looking shocked, and covering someone a considerable amount smaller than him. The next photo is him with his arm around them, and they've put their head down, as if to shield their face. "Oh, it's me." You read through the article, talking about how Ruel has a 'mysterious girl' and how he has 'done his best to cover it up.' You look up at him and and he smiles gently. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this." He shakes his head, and sits down with his head in his hands. "Hey, it's okay." He looks at me and pulls me into a hug. After a while, he pulls his head back. "How about I meet your family tomorrow?" I look up at him "for real?" He laughs and pulls me down so I'm lying next to him. "Yes of course you dummy!"

(Word count: 614 words)

A/n: it's short, but I'm working on a book of imagines, so go read it!

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