Ruel's girlfriend?!

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I wake up to an alarm, and pick up my phone. No. Not an alarm. My mum is calling me. I answer, rubbing my eyes, and getting out of bed, walking to the other side of the room, so that I don't wake Ruel. "Mum, it's 5:30 A.M. why are you calling me?" I whisper. "Go wake Ruel up. I'm outside, everyone has already left, to go set up the dance studio." I look over at ruel, who rolls over, and is about to wrap his arms around me, but his arm hits the mattress, and his face shifts, and he looks confused. "Okay, I'll wake him up. I'll be down soon, love ya," I say, before hanging up and going over to the bed. 

I lie down, and lift ruel's arm around me, and his eyes fling open, before closing again, as he smiles and wraps his arms tighter around me. "Nope." I sit up and he rests on his elbows "What?! Y/n! Whyyyyyyyyyy?" He looks at me and pouts. "We need to leave for the music video." He looks at me. "Shit!" He throws back the blanket, and pulls on a shirt, before grabbing me and flinging me over his shoulder. "Aghhhh! Put me down now!" I shriek, laughing at him. 

He carries me all the way to the elevator, and once the door closes, he puts me down. He looks at me, leans down and kisses me softly on the lips. "Let's show you off to the world!" I giggle and his smile fades. "Y/n," I look up at him. "Yeah?" His nose twitches. "The other night, you said something, and then you fell asleep. I just wanted to say the I-" the elevator door opens, and I see my mum standing there waiting. "Come on, we have to go." Ruel says, tugging on my hand.

We get to the studio, and I can't stop looking around at everything, and smile. The studio has changed completely. The walls are black, and there are flowers everywhere. The walls, the floor. The roof. I looked at ruel, and he seemed just as stunned as I did. He looked down at me, and all I could do was nod. We both got tugged apart, and we had been pulled to separate dressing rooms. We got all dressed up, and by 7:00 A.M. we were ready. 

We took our spots, me on the floor, him less than a foot away from me. I looked at him, for reassurance, and he looks down at me. "You'll be amazing." I smile and say the same back to him, but he can see that my nerves are keeping me down. He puts his arm up and walks over, crouching down. "You are going to be fine. You got this!" He kisses my temple, a feather of a kiss. I look up at him, and hug him to me, before letting go and nodding. He moves back to his position and nods. 

The music starts, and ruel walks over. As soon as I see him, the music floods my head, and all I can see is him. No cameras, no people, no flowers. Just the two of us. We dance and dance and dance. All of a sudden, it's all over, and ruel is staring at me, joy filled in his eyes. I looked at him, and he lifts me off of my feet, spinning me around. He puts me on the floor, and kisses me, in front of everyone. My mother, his crew, the cameras. He pulls away, and looks at me. "I love you y/n."

A/n: the song they dance to is distance btw

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