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I woke up to someone touching my hair. I looked up and smiled, before dropping my head down again. As my head touched his chest, Ruel whispered softly "morning gorgeous." I smiled into his chest and mumbled it back. We lay there for about 5 minutes, before I get up and swing my legs around to the side of the bed, and walk over to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, and put on the clothes that I wore the day I met him. As I walk out, Ruel had just turned around from the door, and as we collided, two green smoothies went everywhere. He looked at me with worry filled in his face, probably worried I'd be mad. His face turned confused when I started laughing. "Looks like I'm not wearing this then." He laughs a little, and apologises, as it went more on me than it did him. He pulls his shirt off, and I can't help but letting my eyes slip down, and look at his chest. How does a guy like that, like a girl like me? I turn around and walk to the bathroom, unbuttoned the overalls, till they rested above my hips, and pulled of the singlet. I feel I'm being watched, so I turn my head, and see Ruel looking at me. I smile and he just shakes his head and laughs.  I start up the shower, and turn around to shut the door. By the time I finished, Ruel had gotten me some more clothes, and had sat them in the counter. How did he get in without me noticing? Ah well. (The clothes you are wearing are the ones in the picture.) I walk out, and see that Ruel changed his outfit too. He looks up and smiles. "You ready for me to meet you family?" He asks. I look at him and nod, before pulling out my phone quickly and sending a message to Message my Mum. I'm only 16, but she wasn't to worried about where I had been, she knew I could take care of myself. With that, we got in the car and headed to my family home.

When we got there, I looked at Ruel, and smiled. He got out of the car, and ran around to open the door for me. I smiled at him, as he held out his hand to help my out. We walked up to the door, and Ruel took in the house, smiling the whole time. I knocked, and my mum called out, saying it was open. I walked through, slipping off my shoes, and Ruel did the same. As I walked into the kitchen, my mum smiled at me and asked how it went. Her gaze travelled behind me, where Ruel had just come through the hallway. As soon as he sees my mum, he rushes forward to introduce himself. "Hi ma'am, my names Ruel, it's lovely to meet you." He said, smiling and shaking her hand. She looks at him and says, "trust my hun, I know who you are. It's lovely  to meet you too." She looks past him at me, smirking, and says, "I take it it went pretty well then." I shrug, and sit down, gesturing for Ruel to do the same. My sibling come back, I'm assuming from a walk, and Ruel introduces himself to them, and talks to them for hours. By the time I looked at the time again, it was 11:00pm. I looked at Ruel, and told him the time. Mum looked at me and says, "he can stay here the night." So we go setting up the spare room, and Ruel jumps into the bed, and I say goodnight, before turning to leave. "Where are you going?" He says, and I turn around. "I can't stay here with you." "Why not?" He said. "Because I have to sleep in my room." I look at him, and he pouts at me. I laugh and walk out. "Goodnight Ruel." "Goodnight y/n"

(Y'all gotta help me out. What should happen next?)

(Word count: 680 words.)

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