Unexpected Things

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Later that day, I was finally released from the hospital.

I still hadn't told Chris that my time on earth was shortened by half a year.

My own heart could barely take it... Not to mention how his would...

My parents had driven me home at around 4:00pm so I still had daylight to spare.

It was the middle of March so the sun managed to stay up just after 6:30.

As soon as we got home, I changed out of my dirty clothes and took a shower.

If I was quick, I'd be able to get to the meadow before sunset.

My favorite time to go to the meadow was in the evening just after the sun barely peaks over the tree tops, filling the meadow with a cool shade.

The heat of the day would be absorbed into the ground and into the tall grasses that caress your arms, leaving a warm and tingly feeling throughout your body when they brush against your skin.

I ran downstairs to grab my art supplies before heading out.

"Where is my pastel paints, mom?" I shouted, scrambling through my hurricane of an art studio.

"I swear I had it on my desk!"

Oh, if anyone touched or tampered with my stuff, I was gunna kill them!

"Sorry, honey! I have no idea! I know that Chris stopped by earlier and asked if he could leave those tulips in your studio!" She shouted through the kitchen door.

"Ugh. I really hope Chris didn't tamper with anything..."

Forgetting about the pastels for now, I grabbed my sketch book and pencils.

"See you at 7:00pm!" I said as I closed the front door.

Before I could leave my mom burst the door open, "Wait! Don't forget these!"

She handed me a handful of scented candles.

"What the heck? I don't need candles to draw, mom..."

"Just take them! I want you to draw me a beautiful candle scene!" She said quickly and turned around slamming the door shut.

What? A candle scene? She really has lost her mind...

I jogged to the meadow, enjoying the fresh air and the amazing weather.

When I arrived I saw Chris' truck by the dirt path we had chased each other down that first day I met him.

What is he doing here?

I quickly finished jogging the last 100 yards past the surrounding forest and saw the meadow.

In that same spot where Chris and I had fallen down was a picnic blanket with a basket and some silverware.

Chris had his back towards me while he was putting some things in the large tree that grows at the center of the meadow.

I dashed up to him while throwing my things down and jumped on to his back, giving him a massive bear hug.

"Woah!" He gasped.

"I love it! Thank you!" I shouted.

"Oh crud, you weren't supposed to see it yet..." Chris groaned.

"I don't care! It's beautiful! Are you putting candles in the tree?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, but I forgot three at your place."

"Oh! My mom gave them to me! She said she wanted me to paint her a picture of candles..."

"You have a very clever mom. I have to thank her for covering for me." He laughed as he picked up the candles from the ground.

"Your mom said you would freak out if your canvas and pastel paints were missing... but don't worry! I brought them and set them up by the blanket. I wanted to watch you paint." He grinned.

"Oh Chris, I was gunnna beat the crap out of whoever took my stuff!" I laughed as I punched his arm.

"Ow! Jeez Lexi. Why are you so strong?" He said sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"Hey! I wasn't even trying to hurt you!" I said defensively.

As he placed the last remaining candles in the tree, I walked over to the blanket.

He had placed a bottle of sparkling cider, two champagne glasses, and two slices of Apple pie.

"These are both for me right?" I asked while cocking my eyebrow.

"No, they are both for me!" He said matter-of-factly while walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist in a gentle embrace.

"I was really scared, Lexi." He whispered sadly.

"Please, don't be! You're supposed to be the courageous one here!" I said while giving a weak smile.

"You're right. I'm sorry." He said with all seriousness.

"Sshh," I say gently as I put my head on his chest.

"I don't mean it."

We stood there in a hug for a short moment when I finally broke the embrace.

"Alright! Time for pie!!!" I lunged for the blanket and started eating my piece.

"You never mentioned you were part barbarian!" Chris laughed.

"Hey! I love pie!" I pout.

"Hahaha well you can have my piece then if you'd like." He smiled widely.

"Are you sure? I mean - "

"Of course! You were stuck in the hospital eating mush. Enjoy the pie!" He winked.

As I was scarfing down the pie we enjoyed casual conversation and of course, more laughs.

We ended up finishing the cider, and that's when Chris handed me a paint brush.

"Before it gets dark!" He grinned.

I stood up and approached the canvas. Chris lay on his side with his upper body propped up on his arm.

"What should I paint?" I asked embarrassed.

"Anything that comes to mind!" He replied.

I turned my gaze back to the canvas. The first thing that popped into my mind...


That's all I could think about...

Well why not?

I grabbed my assorted paint colors and paint palette. I began by drawing the background.

He is sitting at the piano.


Wait? Music?

I look back to Chris as if I was losing my mind and saw that he started playing his guitar.

I smiled so wide.

"You're so hot."

The words slipped out my mouth like water from a faucet.

Before I could think, I closed my hand over my mouth.

The hand with the palette...

The paint stuck all over my face!

Chris broke out in laughter as I removed the palette.

"Now you really are the rainbow to my rainy day!" He broke out laughing so hard he fell backwards.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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