2 - The Professor

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I arrived at my apartment close to Evergreen late on Saturday afternoon. The flight was long and tiresome, but the excitement of the new city kept me wide awake. When I got there, my two flat mates were already there, and we kicked it off immediately.

Sammy, a Psychology freshman, helped me move my stuff up the stairs and into my bedroom while Claudia, an English Literature sophomore, cooked dinner for us three. Even though I was older than both girls, that first night I felt like they took care of me and helped me settle in.

While I unpacked and set everything the way I liked it in my room, I got to know a little more about the girls. It was interesting the know about the other courses at Aberdeen.

"You already have papers to read? That's rough." Said Sammy as she leaned in the doorway. "I hope Psych isn't as intense."

"Oh, that doesn't sound so bad to me. We have to read like five books per week... Gotta love English Lit." Added Claudia.

The girls went to watch a movie in the living room while I finished decorating my room and making it my own. I put fairy lights on the windowsill, put my favorite paintings I made on the wall (some I hung up, some I just leaned against the wall on the floor), added my soft sheets and blankets to the double bed. Once I was done, I thought about joining them, but I had the sudden urge to paint something.

I sat by my desk which was in front of the window. I took out my watercolors and paintbrushes and went to work. I decided to paint the view from my window, which looked upon a brightly lit street.

I signed my name on the bottom of the paper and the date

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I signed my name on the bottom of the paper and the date. It wasn't my finest work, but it was decent. I let it dry on my desk and decided to get on with the readings for my Art History lecture.

I was almost finished with "The Intellectual Life of the Early Renaissance Artist" by Ames-Lewis, but I still had a few chapters to get through. I highlighted the parts I found most interesting, and indeed it was an enjoyable read. I just hoped Professor Damon wouldn't go too hard on us.


On Monday morning I woke up feeling anxious. New school, new friends, new teachers, new everything. It was all super overwhelming. I managed to eat a slice of toast and some chamomile tea before walking out the door, my laptop inside my tote bag. The weather was decent except for the wind which made my hair look a mess. It was only a 20-minute walk to Evergreen though, so I hurried my pace.

Evergreen School of Fine Arts came into view when I turned a corner. It was stunning. The old yellowing stone, the tall buildings, the cobbled side talk, the big trees lining the pathway to the entrance. It really did look like a convent from the outside, but the many students walking towards the gate at 8:30 in the morning made it quite clear this was no convent anymore. I tugged at my tote, holding the straps close to me I just had to find my classroom and pray I didn't get lost.

Paint Me, Professor | Student-Professor Erotic Novel | 18+ | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now