***"You have to roll them tightly or else they'll collapse in the pan." Said Alison, wiping sweat from her forehead. I was trying to follow her instructions, but for a guy who only knew how to make about four dishes, I was struggling.
She insisted on making cordon bleu to celebrate the trip to Paris for dinner, which I came to realize was just a fancy name for chicken breasts stuffed with cheese and ham and then deep or pan fried, accompanied with a special sauce. In theory it sounded simple enough, but in practice not so much.
Alison was working on all the elements of the dish at the same time, and she did it so focused and organized it seemed like a superhuman ability. I, on the other hand, only had one task, to roll up the chicken, and yet I struggled.
"Just roll it and use a skewer to keep it in place." She said, demonstrating the technique. "Like this."
I huffed in annoyance. "You should do this yourself, I'm just slowing you down."
She swatted her hand in the air. "This is not about speed, it's about having fun!"
I didn't understand how someone could enjoy cooking so much. Food existed to be eaten and to nourish you. It shouldn't take you an hour to prepare something you would eat in just fifteen minutes.
"Do you have basil by any chance?" She asked, opening a few cabinets in search of the spice.
"Make a wild guess." I said sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Next time I come over, I'm gonna fill up these cabinets."
I playfully bumped my hips against her's. "You're criticizing my cabinets because you haven't seen what I keep in this one." I reached for a cabinet over her head and pulled out a bottle of wine.
"An absolute essential." She mocked, coating the chicken rolls in breadcrumbs and frying them. With her other hand, she put the sauce to a low heat and stirred it.
I opened the bottle with a corkscrew, pouring the burgundy liquid into tall glasses. I placed a glass next to her on the counter and took mine to my lips as I rested my elbows on the kitchen isle.
I just watched her as she cooked, juggling all the different elements. She took a small spoon to taste the rice and gave me some of it to try as well.
"More salt?" She asked. It tasted perfect to me. I shrugged my shoulders, letting her decide. She turned back around and added a pinch of salt to the pot.
I took another sip of wine, licking my lips.
"You look sexy when you cook, you know that?" I exclaimed, leaning back against the isle, scanning her body up and down.
She cackled. "When don't I look sexy?"
I shook my head but smiled. Why did she have to be so witty instead of just thanking me for the compliment?
I put down the wine and ran my hands down her clothes. "I mean, I guess you're right." I kissed her cheek, the smell of the delicious food making me salivate.
She placed her hand on my cheek. "Can you set the table please? It's almost ready."
I kissed her again, my lips pulled into a smile. "Yes ma'am."
"You mean madame." She corrected me in her french accent. I walked towards the table and arranged the cutlery.
"Apologies, madame." I tried my best to pronounce it correctly, but she just laughed at my miserable attempt. I didn't mind being silly around her, it actually put me in a lighter mood.

Paint Me, Professor | Student-Professor Erotic Novel | 18+ | ✔️
Romance18+| COMPLETE✔️ "Ali..." He sighed, his breath tickling the skin of Alison's neck. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, admiring her beauty, how youthful she was. He then took his hand off her, suddenly aware of the line he had crossed. "This...