56 - Naughty Footnote

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I wiped the sweat out of my eyebrow as my painting came to completion. I took off my rubber gloves, the last piece of papier-mâché solidifying.

Making a mixed-medium piece was something that always interested me, but I never got the chance to do it. Since today I had so much time to kill, it was perfect for experimentation. Besides, I needed something completely engulfing to distract myself from the dreadful conversation I'd have with Dr Damon at 7 P.M., a time that was fast approaching.

I left the canvas to dry and went to grab something to eat. I took my food outside and sat on a bench, the only source of light coming from the lampposts that illuminated the pathways to the different university buildings. The silence that surrounded me was eerie, and all I could think about was what Chris would say to me.

He'd humiliate me more, I was sure. He'd make fun of me for my embarrassing fantasies. Just the thought of it made me nauseous.

I knew not to make him wait. Even though all I wanted was to run away, I knew if I avoided him I'd only add fuel to the fire. There was no way out of this.

As I made my way up to the professor's office, the corridors of Evergreen seemed like they were getting smaller and smaller, closing upon me. My knees were shaking, and no matter how many deep breaths I took, I couldn't find my courage. What made me finally knock on his door was my pride. He wasn't going to see me so affected by him.

"Come in." His voice sounded harsh and impatient.

I opened the door slowly as to not make a sound. Yeah Ali, as if being quiet is gonna make you invisible.

"Close the door and sit." Said Chris, lifting his head from his computer. I made my way to the chair in front of his desk, avoiding his eyes.

He was silent for a moment. Then, he got up from his chair and looked outside the window, his back turned to me.

"I don't know if you realize how serious this is Alison." He started. His voice was calm and collected, which made me even more nervous. "What you've done could've not only granted you serious disciplinary actions but you could have also put me in serious trouble for your recklessness."

Suddenly, he turned around, resting his arms on the desk and leaning forward, making me move back.

"What would have happened if Mr Turner corrected your essay? Huh? What then Alison? Tell what would have happened."

I was silent. I knew the second I opened my mouth to speak I wouldn't be able to keep my tears in.

"Oh, so now you don't say anything? You had a lot to say on this fucking essay!"

Silence again, the weight of his words hanging in the air. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to say something.

"I was just... I didn't think that—"

"Just thinking what? What a great idea it would be to break multiple rules and put my job in jeopardy? And your future? Are you really that naive to think that I would find this funny?"

I couldn't hold my tears in when I heard his last words. He was right, I was so stupid, so naive.

I cried silently in my chair, my head low. This was such a complex situation. He was both reprimanding me as my professor but also as my partner, and that mix was dangerous. I couldn't distinguish both. I didn't know where his words were coming from, if from the man I wanted be with all the time or from my tough, demanding professor.

Paint Me, Professor | Student-Professor Erotic Novel | 18+ | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now