47 - Airplane

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"That's her!" I said to the Uber driver. He parked and helped Maddie get her suitcase in the trunk. She had the biggest smile on her face, like a kid in a candy store.

We hugged when she entered the taxi, taking the backseat with me. We decided to split the bill on the ride to the airport since her house was on route. We did a mental check of the things we'd brought just in case we had forgotten anything important. Luckily we didn't, so we told the driver to go.

It was a thirty minutes drive to the airport. When we got there, the sky was already dark. We clutched our suitcases and dragged them behind us as we walked inside the massive building.

"Okay, so we need to go to departures..." Maddie scanned the map at the entrance. "Here, on the second floor."

We went up on the escalators, unable to keep in our excitement.

"I don't know how we're supposed to fall asleep on that plane." I said, already dreading those ten hours of uncomfortable positions on the crammed airplane seat.

"You know what we should do?" Said Maddie as we got to the top of the stairs. "We should just run laps around the airport while we can to get tired."

I chuckled. "Or, we could simply down two beers. Same effect."

Maddie laughed as we searched for our group. About half the class had signed up for the trip, so we just had to find a group of about thirty people.

The group stood out like a sore thumb. Everyone was wearing the heaviest jacket they owned because they simply didn't fit inside the suitcases. I had checked the Parisian weather and, if we were lucky (or unlucky, depending on whether you liked the cold or not), it might snow. Just in case it did, I had packed gloves, a scarf, and a beanie.

Chris was the first person I searched in the group. He looked very serious, talking to the students and taking down information on a notepad. Mr Turner seemed more relaxed judging by his smile and casual conversation.

David called my name when he saw me, leaving his suitcase behind and giving me a tight hug. He was as excited for the trip as I was.

"Girl, you better save my ass when we arrive 'cos I can't speak french to save my life!" He said, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Also, I've done my research... There are so many gays bars, you wouldn't believe! We're gonna have so much fun! And you're coming with me because how else am I supposed to order drinks?"

Maddie and I exchanged looks and laughed hysterically.

"Sure David, I'll be your personal booze supplier." I said, already picturing him dragging me out of the hotel to the bars.

"We haven't even arrived and you're already thinking about breaking the rules, Miss Bardot?"

The three of us turned to where the voice came from. Chris was standing next to us with a grin on his face.

"Drinking isn't forbidden on this trip as far as I know, Professor Damon." I said, trying to hide a smile. It was so good to see him.

"Drinking isn't forbidden, but you must obey curfew." The three of us exchanged glances. "And just in case you don't, I need your phone numbers."

Paint Me, Professor | Student-Professor Erotic Novel | 18+ | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now