30 - Fight

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My week was spent completely engulfed in work. Besides my already laborious task of preparing my lectures, the research paper was proving more challenging than anticipated. On top of that, I was receiving many invitations to attend conferences. It was all a bit too stressful, but I did enjoy it to a certain extent. Even though my job wasn't the most exciting, I was still proud of it and my performance.

Alison had also been incredibly busy that week. We did see each other in passing or in the cafeteria, but of course we never spoke for too long. She never payed me a visit to my office I had had hoped, though. On Thursday afternoon, after her tutoring session, she came back to Evergreen to finish some work at the art studio, but I didn't even bother or tease her. Even though I was dying to be alone with, her work came first and foremost. If she was free, she knew where to find me anyway.

When I got home Friday afternoon after this week from hell, instead of relaxing like I wanted, I still had so much shit to get done. I knew that as soon as I responded to the e-mails, contacted action houses for interviews, re-read Mr Turner's proposition, I'd be free for the weekend. So that's what I did. I worked until seven o'clock, until everything was done.

I was sprawled on the couch, exhausted, when my phone buzzed. My mind went straight to Alison. When I picked up the phone, expecting to see her name on the screen, I was unfortunately greeted by Mr Turner's name. He was a nice old man, but jeez, give me a break.

With Alison already on my mind, I opened up her texts, re-reading our conversations, smiling at our provocative messages. She really wasn't kidding when she said I'd be seeing her less, but I wasn't counting on it weighing so much on my mind.

That was when a very stupid, very impulsive, very irresistible idea popped in my head.

CHRIS: Are you at your studio?

I waited for a reply which came shortly.

KENT: Been here for a while. Why?

CHRIS: I have something to give you. I'll be there in 15 minutes.

KENT: You don't need to come if it's an inconvenience dude.

CHRIS: Not an inconvenience at all. I also want to see how the collection is coming along.

KENT: I see, you want to talk shit about my paintings. Fuck off mate.

CHRIS: Always a charm.

I grabbed my wallet and keys while thinking about something to give Kent. Of course I had nothing to give him, I just knew Alison would be there and needed an excuse to show up. I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she saw me appear out of the blue.

I picked up two tickets for a conference I'd be a guest speaker at and shoved them in my pocket.

I arrived at Kent's studio at around half past seven. As I went up the elevator, my curiosity as to what Alison had been doing at the studio grew. I was very interested to see in what ways she had contributed towards the collection. After all, this collection would be her first collaboration, it was important she did a good job.

Paint Me, Professor | Student-Professor Erotic Novel | 18+ | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now