Chapter 17

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Diamond’s pov

After the innocent Michael hasn’t been the same. The bubbly guy was now gone and there was no smile or spark in his eyes that told you that something was going to go down. This new Michael was kinda depressing actually I just wanted the old him back... everyone did. 

“Come on Michael don’t be a little grouch.” Ashton threw a cushion at him which just bounced off his head.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” Michael said in a monotone voice. “I’m going upstairs.”  We watched as he sluggishly walked up the stairs.  

“I’ll be back.” I said, getting up and following Michael. Just before he shut the door I squeezed in.  “Michael?”

“I just wanna be alone.” He mumbled.

“I didn’t want you to get hurt, you were so happy but I didn’t want her to use you.” I told him.

“I know but I don’t really care about her anymore.” Now I was confused.

“What?” I asked.

“I only care about one person and it just took me a while to figure it out.” He smiled, wow as if I thinking think that my heart could break anymore his lips met mine that’s when I felt the pricking. We broke the kiss and looked down at our wrists which were now changing from black to gold right in front of our eyes.

“Wait you said that we were meant to be together.” I said. Michael nodded his head in agreement as a smirk appeared on his face. 

“I always knew it was you.”

“But with-” I started to say until he cut me off.

“I just wanted to give her a show.” He laughed.

“So you didn’t love her?”

“I didn’t even like her.” He smiled as he kissed my cheek. That was the only thing that I needed to put my broken heart back together. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I smiled.

Lydon’s pov

“Wonder what’s going on up there.” Luke wondered. Calum and Ashton shrugged as they looked up as if they could see through the walls.

“They are probably talking or something.” Ashton suggested. I really hope that they were doing something good like getting together.

“Aww you too are looking kinda cuddly.” Calum cooed. I looked up to where they were walking and saw their arms around each other.

“What happened to you guys?” Ashton asked.

“We are soulmates.” Diamond smiled, hugging Michael.  Everyone went quiet all of a sudden  just staring them like it was some kind of joke scaring the two standing in front of us.

“What?” Di asked, hurt and confusion in her eyes.  Just as they started to get even more scared as to why everyone was so quiet we all burst into shouts of excitement and rejoiced that they were finally together. The couple that actually made it through.

“About god damn time.” Luke laughed, throwing a cushion at Di which hit her straight in the face.

“You’re supposed to catch it dick.” I laughed at her.

“I didn’t even see it, dick.” Di shot back, sticking her tongue out at me. Calum started laughing nonstop , when he finally calmed the hell down,  he wiped the tears that fell down his cheek and calmly spoke. 

“Where did your eyes go?” That’s it, that’s all it took for him to crack again with laughter. Seriously was it that funny or something? But then again we were talking about Calum yeah and he laughed about everything.

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