Chapter 7

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Diamond’s pov

I was sitting outside on the chairs looking at the shine of the sun dancing across the water in the pool. Since I didn’t want to go out I stayed at home while everyone else went out. Don’t get me wrong I loved hanging with the guys and everything but I just really wanted to be alone and think about things like... soulmates. Did mine really die? I never kissed anyone in my life only one guy but I didn’t even have a name on my wrist. I never had a name on my wrist.

“What are you doing out here?” A voice called making me jump.

“Thought you would have been with the others.” I said.

“Heard you were staying so I decided to keep you company. That alright?” Michael asked.

“You’re looking at me like I’m going to say no.” I giggled.

“Well you might say no.” 

“It’s fine, want to sit?” I smiled at him, signalling him to take a seat.

“Sure.” He smiled, sitting down. “Hey you don’t have a tattoo.” He Noticed. I looked down at my wrist which was holding my head up.

“Yeah.” I said, memories of not finding a soul mate came back to me as I tried to push them away.

“Neither do I.”

“You don’t?” I asked.  Michael shook his head taking a deep breath. 

“I always thought that I was the only one at this age who didn’t have a tattoo. Always just thought that something went wrong or that there was just no one out there for me. You know sometimes I really think that there is no one out here for me.” He said. All those words that came out of his mouth just then was exactly what I was feeling, maybe I just wasn’t supposed to every find love.

“Lydon always told me that fate fucked up or couldn’t be bothered finishing.”

“Well looks like we are gonna be best friends then.” Michael rejoiced throwing his hands in the air and screaming like a girl.

“Best non tattooed friends.” I giggled. He nodded in agreement as he dragged his fingers lightly over his wrist.

Lydon’s pov

“Luke look no eyes.” Calum  shouted, making me turn around. I was walking in front with Ashton by my side as Calum and Luke were behind us being the crazy ones they were so of course I had to look back to watch what the bright red headed  guy was saying. Turning around just in time to see him, eyes closed and walking... straight into a pole.

“FUCKER!” Calum screamed, holding his nose. I burst out laughing along with Luke as Ashton shook his head.

“Another pole?” Ashton asked.

“Another?” I questioned. He nodded his head as if he wasn’t fussed one bit, maybe this was one of Calum’s signature moves.  

“No eyes alright.” Laughed Luke.  Calum stuck his tongue out before shoving his friend to the side with a slight shut up coming through his nearly closed lips. We were on our way back to the house where Diamond and Michael were. We didn’t go anywhere in particular just somewhere that would get us out of the house for a few hours.  I knew how Diamond was feeling and I understood when she told me that she wanted to stay home to think about stuff.

Whenever I would think about it and look down at my soulmate tattoo I would get emotional, make me feel like I couldn’t do anything but just watch as she never got another chance. Diamond was the type of girl who would do anything to make someone happy even if she wasn’t a slight bit, she never cared about that only about the people that she was with. I always admired that about her.  

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