Chapter 9

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Lydon's pov

For the next few weeks it's been nothing but games and heaps of eating, I was really amazed that we haven't run out of food or even money. Since we were stuck in this house all the time I decided that I wanted to be alone and out of this house. It was a nice day not too hot but not cold just the right weather for blue skinny jeans, a light weight white sweater with mint green thick strips with black ankle boots with a thin heel a big cream bag hanging from my shoulder.

As I walked down the street I listened to the clicking and clacking of my heels hitting the cement beneath my feet.  I don't know where everyone was but the streets were silent and empty. A ghost town but somehow it was nice.  There was about two or three cars that would drive past but not alot like there normally is. I liked the quiet better than the busy streets that were normally occupied. I don't know why but I guess I could think more without noises around me but when I slept it wasn't about the silence, it was about the noises around me like cars screeching that made me fall asleep.

I have no idea how long I had been walking for but I had walked really far since the was walking along the beach where the ice- cream shop was. Whimpers were coming from the alley right next to the ice- cream shop. At first I was thinking of ignoring it because when I looked down the alley there was  nothing but garbage bins but something in me told me to go check it out. Listening to my instincts, I wondered down the alley looking all over the ground and in each corner.

I bet if someone  went past where I was and looked at me they would think I was some poor homeless person searching for food or even coins that were dropped on the ground. I even felt like I was walking drunk as I stumbled over rocks in order to search for the noise. Just as I was about to give up the search I found a little pure white hockey with a hazel eye and the other a bright blue.  The pup, maybe a month old was sitting in a corner beside the huge  dumpster howling and whimpering in pain. I slowly  walked up to it and saw red blood dripping on his front leg.

"Hey puppy." I cooed, bending my legs to squat a few feet away  from the white puppy so that I wouldn't scare it away. "I'm not gonna hurt you."  The puppy stopped howling and looked at me as if it was studying what I was do. Slowly and carefully, it stood up with a little wobble here and there and stumbled into my open arms. Guess it liked me or something because it started licking my hand as I softly looked at the wound. Who would do something like this to a puppy.  "Let's get you  home." I said, picking the puppy up and walking home as fast as I could.

"You got a puppy?" Luke asked as I walked into the house to get Diamond.

"I found it in the alley beside the ice-cream shop it's been hurt. We have to take it to the vet." I rushed. I felt the dog curl up closer to me as the rest of the guys and Diamond stomped like rhinos down the stairs, screaming at the top of their lungs 'you got a dog?'

"You're all scaring it." Luke hushed, signalling them to shut up. They all placed their hands over their mouths before taking it down and whispering opps.

"Aw what happened to its foot?" Diamond asked.

"She got hungry and took a chunk off." Calum joked.

"Ew." Michael cringed.

"I don't know but I'm gonna take it to the vet." I told them.

"Maybe we all shouldn't go, it will scare the puppy." Ashton spoke. Everyone nodded their head.

"You guys can stay here, Lydon and I will be back soon." Diamond announced.  They guys nodded and agreed as they walked us to the front door. I let Diamond drive since the puppy would start howling if I tried to let go of it.

"Must be attached to you." Diamond stated as she drove down the road. I glanced at her as she had her eyes glued to the road then down at the puppy who now had its head resting on my arm which was wrapped around it so it didn't move. Maybe it trusted me because I was the only one who actually gave it love for the first time in its life. When we got to the vet I carried the pup and walked beside Diamond to the front desk.

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